
CSCI 156 Socket Programming Project Using Python

Primary LanguagePython



This is a project for CSCI 156 - Internetworking Systems and Protocols. The project is a client-server auction bidding system written in Python. Through the use of sockets, clients are able to connect to a server and place bids for an item hosted on the server. The server will keep track of who is bidding and award an item to the highest bidder.

How to Run Server

navigate to the Server folder inside the project directory using terminal

run the following to start the server: python Server.py input.txt

input.txt is an input file provided by Ming Li.

How to Run Client

once server is running, open another terminal and navigate to the Client folder in the project directory using a terminal

run the following to start a client: python Client.py

This will begin the client as long as a server is runnin.