
Repository for my Text Mining Project (IST 736)

Primary LanguageHTML

This is the project directory for my final project in IST 736 - Text Mining. For this project, I performed topic modeling on a self-collected dataset of all 4,032 ETDs (electronic theses and dissertations) from the Syracuse University institutional repository, SURFACE. Topic modeling was performed using two algorithms: Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) and Non-negative Matrix Factorization (NMF) via scikit-learn, a Python library for machine learning.

This project helps to provide an understanding of the top research interests at Syracuse University, as well as which departments are the most diverse in terms of the topics that represent them.

Poster (from iSchool poster day presentation)

Running the code

Download the project, install the requirements (python -m pip install -r requirements.txt), and run the topic_modeling.py script (python topic_modeling.py or in an IDE).

Resources Directory

The K topics created by the topic models are located in topics.txt.

The ETD_metadata directory is an annotated collection containing the title, department, keywords, and abstract for each ETD. It is collected by running the main() function from the scraper.py script, which downloads the information using GET requests from http://surface.syr.edu/etd/.

The keystracts directory is an unannotated collection of the keywords and abstracts for each ETD. This acts as the primary dataset of documents for topic modeling analysis. It is created by running the write_keystracts() function in the deannotator.py script.

Excel Directory

The Excel directory contains data and visuals (from said data) used in the final project report, including the topic diversity graph, raw frequency of ETDs by department, and top topics (by document count).