
Restyle WMS raster images to optimize them for webgl rendering

Primary LanguageRust


Restyle WMS raster images to optimize them for webgl rendering

Building and running

With Cargo

To run against the IOOS EDS WMS:

cargo run --release -- --wms-root="https://eds.ioos.us/ncWMS2" --port=9080

You can install the app as a binary with

cargo install --path .

This will install the statically linked binary to your cargo bin directory, where it can be run or copied elsewhere on your system for use.

With Docker

First build the docker image

docker build -t rewms:latest .

Then run with docker.

docker run -p 80:9080 rewms:latest --port=9080 --wms-root="https://eds.ioos.us/ncWMS2"

With Docker and NGINX

First build the docker image

docker build -f Dockerfile.nginx -t rewms:latest .

Then run with docker. With this image, a nginx cache reverse proxies the wms. In this scenario, the downstream_wms host must be supplied to the docker image, pointing to the ncWMS endpoint to use as the downstream wms. The example given below hits the tds.maracoos.org ncWMS2 instance.

docker run -p 80:80 --add-host=downstream_wms: rewms:latest

NOTE: For now, the downstream_wms host is expected to be https. If its, not, edit the nginx default.conf to reflect http instead

CLI options

wms-root (REQUIRED): The path the the ncWMS root url to use as the downstream server. EX: --wms-root=https://eds.ioos.us/ncWMS2

port: The port to bind the server to. EX: --port=9080. DEFAULT: 9080

workers: The number of worker threads to run. This is limited byt he number of available cores on the target machine. EX: --workers=6. DEFAULT: 1