
Detecting densely packed nuclei in 3D with deep nets

Primary LanguagePython

!!! WARNING This repo is WIP and the README is usually outdated.

This projects hosts scientific python code for detection, segmentation and tracking of cells and nuclei in 2-D and 3-D microscopy images, denoising using StructN2V method, and detection of mitotic nuclei.

Basic usage

cd devseg_2/src
module load gcc/6.2.0
module load cuda/9.2.148
source myenv/bin/activate

## generate training data, train and predict on test data.
python e23_mauricio2.py 

Data is usually stored in ../expr/{file name}/{function name}/*. E.g. e23_mauricio2.train() stores data in ../expr/e23_mauricio2/train/*.

Run via SLURM with

sbatch -J e23-mau -p gpu --gres gpu:1 -n 1 -t  6:00:00 -c 1 --mem 128000 -o slurm_out/e23-mau.out -e slurm_err/e23-mau.out --wrap '/bin/time -v python e23_mauricio2.py'