Utilities related to Bitcoin. Unified markets API interface (bitstamp, kraken, btce, hitbtc, bitmarket). Both public and private API calls. Other utils related to cryptocurrencies.
See introduction vignette and shinyBTC a simple GUI for Rbitcoin.
Current version: NEWS
Biggest changes are:
- built-in antiddos
- hitbtc market support
- toBTC/fromBTC funs
- improved wallet manager and its plot
- simplified new market integration
# Rbitcoin 0.9.2 from CRAN
# Rbitcoin 0.9.3 from github
devtools::install_github("jangorecki/Rbitcoin", build_vignettes=TRUE) # vignettes optional, takes a minute
devtools::install_github("jangorecki/Rbitcoin") # no vignettes, much faster
vignette("introduction", package="Rbitcoin")