
⚙️ My Neovim configuration.

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT


My Neovim configuration.


This is the Neovim configuration I'm currently using. The files are written in the Lua programming language and can change frequently based on my usage. Feel free to use them or to find inspiration.

The configuration structure looks like this:

├── init.lua
├── lazy-lock.json
└── lua
    └── mpinta
        ├── core
        │   ├── helpers.lua
        │   ├── init.lua
        │   ├── keymaps.lua
        │   └── options.lua
        ├── lazy.lua
        └── plugins
            ├── catppuccin.lua
            ├── conform.lua
            ├── dressing.lua
            ├── init.lua
            ├── lsp-zero.lua
            ├── lualine.lua
            ├── mason.lua
            ├── neoscroll.lua
            ├── nvim-cmp.lua
            ├── nvim-lint.lua
            ├── nvim-telescope.lua
            ├── nvim-treesitter.lua
            ├── outln.lua
            ├── toggleterm.lua
            ├── vim-better-whitespace.lua
            └── vim-current-word.lua


Clone the repository and copy the nvim directory to $XDG_CONFIG_HOME:

$ git clone https://github.com/mpinta/nvim-config
$ cd nvim-config
$ cp -r nvim $XDG_CONFIG_HOME


Plugins are managed with the lazy.nvim plugin manager, which can be opened with the <Space>lz keymap. Their definitions can be found in the nvim/lua/mpinta/lazy.lua file. When you open Neovim for the first time, the plugins should be installed automatically, but you may also need to manually install some dependencies such as python, node or yarn.

Each plugin can be (re)configured inside the nvim/lua/mpinta/plugins directory. For example, configure LSPs, formatters, linters and completion here:

Source File
LSPs nvim/lua/mpinta/plugins/mason.lua
Formatters nvim/lua/mpinta/plugins/conform.lua
Linters nvim/lua/mpinta/plugins/nvim-lint.lua
Completion nvim/lua/mpinta/plugins/nvim-cmp.lua

Configured LSPs, formatters and linters have to be manually installed using the mason.nvim plugin. You can open it by triggering the <Space>ma keymap.


The nvim/lua/mpinta/core directory contains basic options, helpers and custom keymaps. Those can also be (re)configured:

Source File
Options nvim/lua/mpinta/core/options.lua
Helpers nvim/lua/mpinta/core/helpers.lua
Keymaps nvim/lua/mpinta/core/keymaps.lua

That's it!

The init.lua files glue everything together and that's basically it. Have fun (re)using it!