
NudeNet: NSFW Object Detection for TFJS and NodeJS

Primary LanguageJavaScript

NudeNet: NSFW Object Detection for TFJS and NodeJS


  • Model included in /model/ were converted to TFJS Graph model format from the original repository
    Model descriptors and signature have been additionally parsed for readability
  • Model itself uses dynamic input sizes
  • Results parsing implementation does not follow original
    and is implemented using native TFJS ops and optimized for JavaScript execution
  • Code also includes simple bluring function for exposed body parts in the input image
  • Example implementation for NodeJS: src/node.js
  • Example implementation for Browsers: src/index.ts


Structure of the return object:

  input: {
    file: String,
    width: Number,
    height: Number,
  person: Boolean, // is person detected?
  sexy: Boolean, // is person considered sexy?
  nude: Boolean, // is person considered nude?
  parts: Array<{ // array of detected body parts
    score: Number, // confidence in detection
    id: Number,
    class: String, // label for body part
    box: Number[], // [x, y, width, height]

Where class can be :

const labels = [ // class labels
  'exposed anus',
  'exposed armpits',
  'exposed belly',
  'exposed buttocks',
  'female face',
  'male face',
  'exposed feet',
  'exposed breast',
  'exposed vagina',
  'male breast',
  'exposed male breast',


Example Image

There are three examples:

  • NodeJS Image processing: src/node.js
  • NodeJS Video processing: src/node-video.js
    this demo has additional dependencies which are not installed by default
    @tensorflow/tfjs-node-gpu and pipe2jpeg
    and requires functional copy of ffmpeg
  • Browser: src/index.html
    written in TypeScript src/index.ts and transpiled to JavaScript dist/index.js

node src/node.js samples/nude.jpg samples/nude-out.jpg

2021-10-20 11:11:11 INFO:  nudenet version 0.0.1
2021-10-20 11:11:11 INFO:  User: vlado Platform: linux Arch: x64 Node: v16.8.0
2021-10-20 11:11:11 INFO:  tfjs version: 3.9.0 backend: tensorflow
2021-10-20 11:11:11 INFO:  options: { debug: true, modelPath: 'file://model/model.json', minScore: 0.3, maxResults: 50, iouThreshold: 0.5, outputNodes: [ 'output1', 'output2', 'output3' ], blurNude: true, blurRadius: 25 }
2021-10-20 11:11:11 STATE: loaded graph model: file://model/model.json
2021-10-20 11:11:11 INFO:  loaded image: samples/nude.jpg width: 801 height: 1112
2021-10-20 11:11:13 DATA:  result: {
  input: { file: 'samples/nude.jpg', width: 801, height: 1112 },
  person: true,
  sexy: true,
  nude: true,
  parts: [
    { score: 0.8839950561523438, id: 3, class: 'exposed belly', box: [ 194, 639, 244, 221 ] },
    { score: 0.7332422137260437, id: 11, class: 'exposed breast', box: [ 371, 450, 142, 154 ] },
    { score: 0.566450834274292, id: 6, class: 'female face', box: [ 282, 164, 169, 155 ] },
    { score: 0.5646520256996155, id: 11, class: 'exposed breast', box: [ 202, 430, 134, 156 ] },
    { score: 0.5579367876052856, id: 12, class: 'vagina', box: [ 187, 908, 92, 96 ] }
2021-10-20 11:11:13 STATE: created output image: samples/nude-out.jpg
2021-10-20 11:11:13 STATE: done: model:file://model/model.json input:samples/nude.jpg output:samples/nude-out.jpg objects: 5

Conversion Notes

tensorflowjs_converter \
  --input_format tf_saved_model \
  --output_format tfjs_graph_model \
  --control_flow_v2=true --strip_debug_ops=true --signature_name=predict \
  --weight_shard_size_bytes=16777216 --quantize_float16=* \
  model/saved model/

Model Signature

2021-10-20 11:28:12 INFO:  graph model: /home/vlado/dev/nudenet/model/model.json
2021-10-20 11:28:12 INFO:  size: { numTensors: 843, numDataBuffers: 843, numBytes: 146462740 }
2021-10-20 11:28:12 DATA:  inputs: [
  { name: 'images', dtype: 'DT_FLOAT', shape: [ -1, -1, -1, 3 ] },
2021-10-20 11:28:13 DATA:  outputs: [
  { id: 0, name: 'output1', dytpe: 'DT_FLOAT', shape: [ -1, 300, 4 ] },
  { id: 1, name: 'output3', dytpe: 'DT_INT32', shape: [ -1, 300 ] },
  { id: 2, name: 'output2', dytpe: 'DT_FLOAT', shape: [ -1, 300 ] },