
Ansible role for installing and configuring Apache Flume, always the use of multiple sinks and sources as well as sink groups.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Ansible Role Build Status Apache-Flume

Ansible Role for deploying and configuring Apache Flume

  • Deploys Apache Flume
  • Configures Apache Flume
  • Creates apache-flume service
    • Runs agent only configuration


  • Running
    • Ansible 2.3+
  • Testing
    • Docker/Vagrant
    • Molecule = 1.2.5

Role Variables

  • Java vars
    java_heap_xms: 125
    java_heap_xmx: 250
  • Apache Flume vars
    mirror_url: http://apache.mirrors.ionfish.org/flume
    version: 1.7.0
  • Linux folder/path install vars
    download_path: /tmp
    installation_path: /usr/local
    owner: root
    group: root
  • Apache Flume configuration vars
    • Please consult Flume User Guide
    • Currently configuration will allow
      • Agents
        • Service Will Only Be Created For agent
        • mutiple
        • Will need to manually create more services to run these currently
      • source
        • Only allowing one source for each agent currently
      • channel
        • Only allowing one channel for each agent currently
      • sinks
        • mutiple
      • sinkgroup
        • Will add all sinks in agent to sinkgroup
    • Due to high Flume configuration possibilies please read the following
      • Please substitute "." for "_" in your flume configuration for Property Names
        • Values Do Not Need The Substitute
        • Example
          • kafka_consumer_group_id: testflume
        • Result
          • agent.source.kafka.consumer.group.id = testflume
    • Can pass apache_flume_config var to copy configuration over
      • Example
        • apache_flume_config: file/flume-conf.properties
      • Result
        • This will copy the flume-conf.properties from your file directory onto target machine(s)
  • Extra variables
    • HDFS native libaries
      • hdfs_libs = true
        • This will pull down HDFS Native Libs and place them in plugin.d/hdfs/native/
  • Example variables
    mirror_url: http://apache.mirrors.ionfish.org/flume
    version: 1.7.0
    download_path: /tmp
    installation_path: /usr/local
    owner: root
    group: root
    java_heap_xms: 125
    java_heap_xmx: 250
    hdfs_libs: true
    - name: agent
        name: kafkaSource
        type: org.apache.flume.source.kafka.KafkaSource
        kafka_consumer_group_id: flume
        kafka_consumer_auto_offset_reset: latest
        kafka_consumer_max_partition_fetch_bytes: 1048576
        kafka_consumer_heartbeat_interval_ms: 3000
        kafka_consumer_session_timeout_ms: 30000
        kafka_consumer_request_timeout_ms: 40000
        kafka_consumer_fetch_max_wait_ms: 500
          - topic1
          - topic2
        name: kakfaChannel
        type: memory
        capacity: 1000000
        transactionCapacity: 100000
        - name: kafkaHDFSSink1
          type: hdfs
          hdfs_path: "s3n://GFGJFSHFJHFGFHSBJ:fdjhSFUYGSF65678+-saigfew123@hdfs/%{topic}/%y/%m/%d/%H"
          hdfs_filePrefix: FlumeData
          hdfs_inUseSuffix: .tmp
          hdfs_rollInterval: 30
          hdfs_rollSize: 1024
          hdfs_rollCount: 10
          hdfs_idleTimeout: 0
          hdfs_batchSize: 100
          hdfs_fileType: "SequenceFile"
          hdfs_maxOpenFiles: 5000
          hdfs_callTimeout: 10000
          hdfs_threadsPoolSize: 10
          hdfs_rollTimerPoolSize: 1
          hdfs_round: false
          hdfs_roundValue: 1
          hdfs_roundUnit: second
          hdfs_timeZone: Local Time
          hdfs_useLocalTimeStamp: false
          hdfs_closeTries: 0
          hdfs_retryInterval: 180
        - name: kafkaHDFSSink2
          type: hdfs
          hdfs_path: "s3n://GFGJFSHFJHFGFHSBJ:fdjhSFUYGSF65678+-saigfew123@hdfs/%{topic}/%y/%m/%d/%H"
          hdfs_filePrefix: FlumeData
          hdfs_inUseSuffix: .tmp
          hdfs_rollInterval: 30
          hdfs_rollSize: 1024
          hdfs_rollCount: 10
          hdfs_idleTimeout: 0
          hdfs_batchSize: 100
          hdfs_fileType: "SequenceFile"
          hdfs_maxOpenFiles: 5000
          hdfs_callTimeout: 10000
          hdfs_threadsPoolSize: 10
          hdfs_rollTimerPoolSize: 1
          hdfs_round: false
          hdfs_roundValue: 1
          hdfs_roundUnit: second
          hdfs_timeZone: Local Time
          hdfs_useLocalTimeStamp: false
          hdfs_closeTries: 0
          hdfs_retryInterval: 180
        name: sinkgroup1
        processor_type: load_balance
        processor_backoff: false
        processor_selector: round_robin


  • andrewrothstein.java-oracle-jre

Example Playbook

- hosts: all
    - role: mplachter.flume



Author Information

Matthew Plachter