This is a base application for rails 3. To Install and Deploy 1. Pull $ git clone 2. Rename App Places to change name (look for "Rails3Base"): - root folder name - config/environments/test.rb - config/environments/development.rb - config/environments/production.rb - config/environment.rb - config/application.rb - config/routes.rb - 3. Setup DB - edit database.yml $ rake db:create 4. Github and Deploy $ git add . $ git commit -m 'first commit' $ git remote add origin <your-newly-created-git-repo> $ git push origin master $ heroku create $ git push heroku master $ heroku stack:migrate bamboo-mri-1.9.1 If you are getting errors with public key $ heroku keys:add ~/.ssh/ 5. Edit and Push over and over Basically repeat step 4 when you add your new code - eg every hour or whatever *Gems* Views - Haml - Compass - Hassle, :git => "" Testing - Cucumber - Rspec - Webrat - Factory Girl *Javascript* - jQuery *Hosting* It is made to be hosted on Heroku - postgresql database (same as Heroku) - go here for tips on linux "" - Sass in app/stylesheets works on Heroku thanks to the particular Hassle branch *Steps I performed to make this base app:* $ rails new <appname> --skip-testunit # gemfile--------------------------------- source '' gem 'rails', :git => 'git://' gem 'pg' gem 'mysql' gem 'haml' gem 'compass' # Cucumber on Rails 3 group :test do gem "rspec-rails", ">= 2.0.0.beta.17" gem "factory_girl_rails" gem 'autotest' gem 'capybara' gem 'database_cleaner' gem 'cucumber-rails' gem 'cucumber' gem 'spork' gem 'launchy' end => bundle install #set rails to use rspec -------------------------------- go to application.rb config.generators do |g| g.template_engine :haml g.test_framework :rspec, :fixture => true, :views => false g.fixture_replacement :factory_girl, :dir => "spec/factories" end #install cucumber and rspec and compass--------------------------------- $ rails g cucumber:install --rspec --capybara $ rails g rspec:install $ compass init rails . --using blueprint/semantic # go to spec/spec_helper.rb # up the top require 'capybara/rails' require 'capybara/dsl' # and add after config config.include(Capybara, :type => :integration) config.include Haml::Helpers config.include ActionView::Helpers config.before(:each) do init_haml_helpers end # weird thing that kept telling me to do this when I ran server # add to config/environments/development.rb: config.active_support.deprecation = :log