
Primary LanguageC++

Haddock - Instrument Panel for Your Yacht

The Project Haddock aims to make a data collection and monitoring system for a motor yacht based on the following technologies:

  • InfluxDB database and monitoring system executed as a Docker container
  • Sensors running in a Wemos D1 mini

At the moment, following sensors are considered:

  • Voltage and current for monitoring battery level and charging from different sources (shore power, alternator, solar panels)
  • Current for estimating power usage
  • Temperature for monitoring exhaust cooling system
  • Tank levels (fuel, fresh water, septic) using standard resistor-based sensors

The system runs on a Linux laptop which is used also for the navigation.

Setup (InfluxDB)

  1. Install Docker (e.g. in Debian/Ubuntu sudo apt install docker.io).
  2. Create the Docker containers for NTP, InfluxDB and nginx
    cd server
    sudo make create-prod
    If you're creating containers for development, say make create-dev in order not to start the containers automatically.
  3. In case you did create-dev start NTP, InfluxDB and nginx servers
    cd server
    make start
  4. Browse to http://localhost:8086
  5. Enter following data:
  • Username: haddock
  • Password: whatever password
  • Initial Organization Name: Haddock
  • Initial Bucket Name: haddock
  • Click "Continue"
  • Click "Configure Later"
  1. Create InfluxDB tokens and settings.mk:
  • Copy settings.mk.sample to your local settings.mk
  • Create InfluxDB token: "Data" (left navi) > "Tokens" (tab) > "Generate" (button) > "Read/Write Token"
  • Give a description (e.g. "sensors") and create a scoped write token for bucket "haddock" > "Save". This will be your INFLUXDB_TOKEN_WRITE.
  • Create another token (e.g. "webclient") with read access for bucket "haddock" which is your INFLUXDB_TOKEN_READ.
  • Click the token description text and copy the token strings to settings.mk
  1. Edit rest of the settings.mk:
  • Set SERVER_IP which will be used to contact your InfluxDB, NTP and httpd servers (the last for the OTA updates)
  • Set SENSOR_WIFI_NAME and SENSOR_WIFI_PASSWORD to tell your sensors how to join your WiFi network

Compiling Sensor Code

  1. Install PlatformIO CLI.
  2. Make sure command pio is executable.
  3. Create client/src/haddockSettings.cpp based on client/src/haddockSettings.cpp.sample. This is where you define the role and parameters for your sensors.
  4. make build compiles the code.
  5. Connect your sensor with USB and upload the code by executing make upload
  6. You can monitor the serial output with make monitor
  7. Follow the serial output to see the Mac address of the board.
  8. Add the sensor definition for this particular board to client/src/haddockSettings.cpp.
  9. Repeat the sensor configuration step for each board.

Updating code OTA using httpd

The OTA setting is very straightforward. The main loop of the sensor tries to retrieve new binary from the httpd server. If the file is found it is treated as a new binary and installed to the ESP8266 sensor.

To update client code:

  1. Increase the OTA_VERSION value (defined in haddockSettings.cpp) by one. This will be the version code of your new updated binary.

  2. Compile a new binary: cd client && make build

  3. Copy binary to server/ota-files/haddock-XXX.bin where the XXX is your new version number. For example:

    cp client/.pio/build/wemosd1r1/firmware.bin server/ota-files/haddock-2.bin

  4. To start the upgrade of all sensors you need to copy the content of ota-files/ to httpd container:

    cd server
    make update-ota

Make sure you update the OTA_VERSION always by one as the Haddock sensor expects to find the next update from the version code from a following URL: http://[SERVER_IP]:80/ota-files/haddock-[OTA_VERSION+1].bin. It is a good practice to keep all your upgraded binaries to give outdated sensors a full upgrade path.

Milou - A Simple Web Client

Milou is a super-simple web client which shows selected values in a simple text format. It is basically a CGI script which retrieves hard-coded variables from the InfluxDB. For more information see webclient/README.md.