
Docker images for PHP 7.3 based on Alpine Linux 3.12

Primary LanguageShellGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0

Docker image for PHP 7.3

Provides a PHP 7.3 docker image based on our Alpine Linux 3.12 base image.

This image can be used as a base for the testing and deployment of PHP applications.

To build the docker image, do not forget to adapt the base image version in Dockerfile where necessary.

Included scripts:

Script Purpose
php-ext.sh Enables, disables or shows PHP extensions
php-extensions.sh Provides helper functions for getting available and default PHP extensions
setup-gitlab-token-auth.sh Configures git and composer authentication via GitLab CI token
setup-nginx.sh Configures the built-in nginx web server

Included tools:

Tool Description Website
sami Sami API documentation generator https://github.com/FriendsOfPHP/Sami
phpcs PHP CodeSniffer https://github.com/squizlabs/PHP_CodeSniffer/

For running the PHP applications, a locked default user project with UID 1000 is created.

Usage example (with custom GitLab server)

# .gitlab-ci.yml
  - test

  stage: test
  image: gmitirol/alpine312-php73:v1
    expire_in: 1 hour
      - build/coverage
      - build/doc
    - php-ext.sh enable 'xdebug'
    - setup-gitlab-token-auth.sh "$CI_JOB_TOKEN" "gitlab.example.com"
    - composer install --no-progress
    - phpcs $CI_PROJECT_DIR/src $CI_PROJECT_DIR/tests --standard=PSR2
    - php vendor/bin/phpunit $CI_PROJECT_DIR/tests --coverage-text -vv --colors=never
    - sami update sami.php
    - shared