
Practice stuff w/ leaflet.js

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Practice stuff w/ leaflet.js.

I started a leaflet tutorial I found from a MaptimeSF Tumblr post, but the content had not been updated and wasn't functional with the currently supported leaflet library versions. Luckily I was able to have someone who knew their stuff near me on my second attempt to I could ask questions. Index is functioning version of a GISC (GIS Collective) tutorial: http://giscollective.org/tutorials/web-mapping/leaflet-1/#comment-4660 which very possibly works if you find the really old version of Leaflet.js the tutorial calls for. Index right now in this repo' gh branch has a somewhat overview of leaflet.js related stuff I've been working on.

Currently working through leaflet.js tutorials right off their site

Some really solid leaflet.js tutorials are available right on their site: leaflet tutorials.

My result of working on the Quickstart Tutorial is the quickstart.html file w/ the leafquick.css files which I'm going to try to push to a github pages branch once I figure out what that means in reality.... I think I'm figuring it out.

One of the most useful examples I've found out there for making non map html elements access stuff you've drawn on your maps is from Bryan Mcbride: http://projects.bryanmcbride.com/leaflet/geojson_hacks.html# there's even a version where he accesses points plotted from a Geojson dataset as well.