
Hopefully going to be a travelapp, right now a simple packing app.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Travel app

Right now just an inventory thing.

The server for the db backend is using node and postgres. that directory is in the typical homebrew spot now.

now it's in this directory but all the postgres files are in: /Users/matthewmckenna/Documents/hub/postgresprac/dbdir

But i need to clean it up for this and move it into a db dir or something once it's kind of useful.

Trying to build up the db backend in /db

The database structure: see db/createtables.sql file to see structure

todos: -Fix adding items to collections so they are in arrays. restyle: add item page editing item PAGE delete colletion somehow clean up logging

A good example of a thunk to do async things is in addItemClass in the file collectionactions.js

Basic flow so far:

user loads page:

  • in src/index.js user is set, Sees main inventory for test user and is logged in as test user to explore and try out the app.
  • src/index.js has all of its stuff fired;
    • The redux store is created, and a few actions are fired.
      • selectItemClass is set to all
      • fetchItemsIfNeeded is called with itemClass=all and userName=test
        • once that's done the same action is called with itemClass=db and user=test
      • fetchBagsIfNeeded is called and gets all of the bags from the db and stores them in collection.bags of the redux store
    • Renders the Root compmonet and gives it the store as the prop
      • Root component is in src/components/root.js
  • src/compnents/root.js
    • A super simple compnent which is passed the redux store and renders the App component which is in src/components/app.js
  • src/components/app.js
    • has the main routing and directs the user to the default page which is /containers/home.js

The routes:

  • /
    • default route with no extensions to the url
    • renders Home component which is in /src/containers/home.js
    • shows a list of the items currently in the users inventory with each being a link to /item/[itemIdNumber] which will show a page with the item details and the opportunity to edit the item details.