
Development package from RIXS analysis at SIX (User beware!)

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Python 3 based analysis for RIXS images and spectra compatible with command line and a GUI based on jupyter widgets. This is designed for use at the SIX beamline. Development version -- user beware!

Installation Instructions

  1. Create a python environment to work in (optional).

    Download and install anaconda.

    Create a conda environment:

    conda create --name <name_of_enviroment>

    where <name_of_enviroment> is what you want to call the environment. N.B. python 3 is required, which should be the default, but can be explicitly requested by appending python=3 to the conda create command above.

    Activate the environment:

    source activate <name_of_enviroment>
  2. Install package.

    Download and extract pyrixs package.

    Change directory and install pyrixs and additional lmfit package:

    cd pyrixs-master
    python setup.py install
    conda install pandas h5py ipywidgets traitlets pillow
    conda install -c conda-forge lmfit ipympl
    conda install nexusformat

    Activate the Javascript widget

    jupyter nbextension enable --py --sys-prefix widgetsnbextension
  3. Launch analysis session.

    Open jupyer:

    jupyter notebook

    Navigate to notebooks and click Images_GUI or Spectra_GUI.