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Source code and data files for the manuscript Probing electron-phonon coupling away from the Fermi level with resonant inelastic x-ray scattering. Generate the figures by opening a terminal and running

octave fig1.m

How to cite

If this data is used, please cite Probing electron-phonon coupling away from the Fermi level with resonant inelastic x-ray scattering C. D. Dashwood, A. Geondzhian, J. G. Vale, A. C. Pakpour-Tabrizi, C. A. Howard, Q. Faure, L. S. I. Veiga, D. Meyers, S. G. Chiuzbaian, A. Nicolaou, N. Jaouen, R. B. Jackman, A. Nag, M. Garc´ıa-Fern´andez, Ke-Jin Zhou, A. C. Walters, K. Gilmore, D. F. McMorrow, and M. P. M. Dean, Phys. Rev. X 11, 041052 (2021)

Interactions between electrons and lattice vibrations are responsible for a wide range of material properties and applications. While there are a number of well-established experimental probes of electron-phonon coupling (EPC), they generally either lack momentum resolution or rely on indirect self-energy effects. There has therefore been considerable interest in the development of resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (RIXS) as a momentum-resolved probe of EPC. Here, using high-resolution carbon K-edge measurements of graphite, we demonstrate that RIXS is able to access the EPC away from the Fermi level, setting it apart from all other established techniques. By tuning the incident x-ray energy we are able to separately probe the couplings of the π∗ or σ∗ electronic states, finding qualitatively different RIXS spectra for each. Our data highlight that multi-phonon features in the spectra contain contributions from phonons away from the experimental momentum transfer, and are therefore sensitive to the EPC strength throughout the Brillouin zone. We develop a Green’s function method to model our data, in which we account for the phonon and EPC dispersions as well as phonon mode mixing in the intermediate RIXS state. This model provides an excellent description of the observed spectra, showing that the EPC is concentrated at the Γ and K points for the π∗ states, while being significant across the Brillouin zone for the σ∗ states. Our results significantly advance the interpretation of phonons in RIXS, and extend its applicability as a probe of EPC to a new range of technologically important out-of-equilibrium situations.

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