How to learn modern electronics

A guide to the adventurer
First of all basic electronics can be simple to understand, but to understand it deeply and see were the rabbit hole goes you have to do some serious kind of study. The plan to enlightenment has multiple parallel path’s, but books, internet info, youtube video channels and good forums constitute the main pillars.


I’m suggesting that you read the books from cover to cover and not only for reference.

The first book that you should read is a cheap book but a very good one.

Practical Electronics for Inventors, 4th Edition
by Paul Scherz, Simon Monk
Pag. 1050

Now that you know a little bit about what electronics is in the majority of the fields that are connected to electronic circuits, you should try to delve a little deeper in each subject.

Circuit analysis you should read.

DC Electrical Circuit Analysis - A Practical Approach
by James M. Fiore
Pag. 374 Price: Free Creative commons, but small symbolic price if bought on paper on Amazon.

AC Electrical Circuit Analysis - A Practical Approach
by James M. Fiore
Pag. 422 Price: Free Creative commons, but small symbolic price if bought on paper on Amazon.

Workbook for DC Electrical Circuits
by James M. Fiore
Pag. 128 Price: Free Creative commons, but small symbolic price if bought on paper on Amazon.

Workbook for AC Electrical Circuits
by James M. Fiore
Pag. 159 Price Free Creative commons, but small symbolic price if bought on paper on Amazon.

Fundamentals of Electric Circuits 6th Edition
by Charles K Alexander, Matthew Sadiku
Pag. 992

Semiconductor devices and OpAmps

Semiconductor Devices: Theory & Application
by James M. Fiore
Pag. 407 Price Free Creative commons, but small symbolic price if bought on paper on Amazon.

Operational Amplifiers & Linear Integrated Circuits 3th Edition
by James M. Fiore
Pag. 589 Price Free Creative commons, but small symbolic price if bought on paper on Amazon.

Principles of Electronics
by Colin Mitchell
Pag. 778 Price Free online

Grob's Basic Electronics 12th Edition
by Mitchel Schultz
Pag. 1264

Electronic Principles 8th Edition
by Albert Malvino, David Bates
Pag. 1120

Fundamentals of Microelectronics 2nd Edition
by Behzad Razavi
Pag. 928

Going deeper into the rabbit hole in electronics.

The Art of Electronics 3th Edition
by Paul Horowitz, Winfield Hill
Pag. 1220

The Art of Electronics - The x Chapters
by Paul Horowitz, Winfield Hill
Pag. 500

Learning the Art of Electronics - A Hands-On Lab Course 1st Edition
by Thomas C. Hayes, Paul Horowitz
Pag. 1150

Electronic Circuits: Handbook for Design and Application, 2º Edition
by Ulrich Tietze
Pag. 1543

Microelectronic Circuits 8th Edition
by Adel S. Sedra, Kenneth C. (KC) Smith, Tony Chan Carusone, Vincent Gaudet
Pag. 1296

Power electronics

Power Electronics
by Daniel Hart
Pag 496

Audio amplifier and electronics

Small Signal Audio Design 2th Edition
by Douglas Self
Pag 780

Audio Power Amplifier Design, 6th Edition
by Douglas Self
Pag 718

Designing Audio Power Amplifiers 2nd Edition
by Bob Cordell
Pag 792

RF and Microwave

Electromagnetics Explained - A Handbook for Wireless/RF, EMC, and High-Speed Electronics 1st Edition
by Ron Schmitt
Pag 410

Radio Hobbyist’s Designbook
by Leonard H. Anderson

Fundamentals of Microwave and RF Design 3th Edition
by Michael Steer
Pag 229, Price Free Creative commons, but small symbolic price if bought on paper on Amazon.

Microwave and RF Design: Radio Systems. Volume 1, 3th Edition
by Michael Steer
Pag 244, Price Free Creative commons, but small symbolic price if bought on paper on Amazon.

Microwave and RF Design: Transmission Lines. Volume 2, 3th Edition
by Michael Steer
Pag 284, Price Free Creative commons, but small symbolic price if bought on paper on Amazon.

Microwave and RF Design: Networks. Volume 3, 3th Edition
by Michael Steer
Pag 240, Price Free Creative commons, but small symbolic price if bought on paper on Amazon.

Microwave and RF Design: Modules. Volume 4, 3th Edition
by Michael Steer
Pag 254, Price Free Creative commons, but small symbolic price if bought on paper on Amazon.

Microwave and RF Design: Amplifiers and Oscillators. Volume 5, 3th Edition
by Michael Steer
Pag 219, Price Free Creative commons, but small symbolic price if bought on paper on Amazon.

Fundamentals of RF and Microwave Circuit Design - Practical Analysis and Design Tools
by Manou Ghanevati, Ali Behagi
Pag 304

RF Circuit Design 2nd Edition
by Christopher Bowick
Pag 256

Microwave Engineering 4th Edition
by David M. Pozar
Pag. 752

Planar Microwave Engineering: A Practical Guide to Theory, Measurement, and Circuits
by Thomas H. Lee
Pag. 882

RF Microelectronics 2nd Edition
by Behzad Razavi
Pag. 916

Antenna design

Practical Antenna Handbook, 5th Edition
by Joseph Carr, George Hippisley
Pag 784

Antenna Theory: Analysis and Design, 4th Edition
by Constantine A. Balanis
Pag. 1104

PCB Design

KiCad Like a Pro
by Dr Peter Dalmaris
Pag 485

Signal Integrity Issues and Printed Circuit Board Design
by Douglas Brooks
Pag 428

Signal and Power Integrity - Simplified 3rd Edition
by Eric Bogatin
Pag 992

High Speed Digital Design - A Handbook of Black Magic
by Howard W. Johnson, Martin Graham
Pag 447


Embedded Controllers using C and Arduino 2nd Edition
By James Fiore
Pag. 166 Price Free Creative commons, but small symbolic price if bought on paper on Amazon.

Laboratory Manual for Embedded Controllers using C and Arduino 2nd Edition
By James Fiore
Pag. 100 Price Free Creative commons, but small symbolic price if bought on paper on Amazon.

Programming Arduino - Getting Started with Sketches, 2nd Edition
by Simon Monk
Pag 192

Programming Arduino Next Steps: Going Further with Sketches, 2nd Edition
by Simon Monk
Pag 320

AVR Programming - Learning to Write Software for Hardware
by Elliot Williams
Pag 474

Beginning STM32 - Developing with FreeRTOS, libopencm3 and GCC
by Warren Gay
Pag 432

Real-time Operating Systems Book 1: The Theory
by Dr. Jim Cooling
Pag 296

Microprocessors and Computer Systems

Digital Design and Computer Architecture: ARM Edition
by Sarah Harris, David Harris
Pag 584

Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach, 6th Edition
by John L. Hennessy, David A. Patterson
Pag 936

Computer Organization and Design RISC-V Edition: The Hardware Software Interface
by David A. Patterson, John L. Hennessy
Pag 696

Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective, 3th Edition
by Randal E. Bryant, David R. O'Hallaron
Pag 1120

Raspberry Pi

Exploring Raspberry Pi: Interfacing to the Real World with Embedded Linux
by Derek Molloy
Pag 720


Verilog by Example: A Concise Introduction for FPGA Design
by Blaine Readler
Pag 124

VHDL By Example: A Concise Introduction for FPGA Design
by Blaine Readler
Pag 120

DSP – Digital Signal Programming

The Scientist & Engineer's Guide to Digital Signal Processing
by Steven W. Smith
Pag 626 Price Free on the net

Understanding Digital Signal Processing 3rd Edition
by Richard G. Lyons
Pag 954


Python Crash Course, 2nd Edition: A Hands-On, Project-Based Introduction to Programming
by Eric Matthes
Pag 544

C Programming- A Modern Approach, 2nd Edition
by K. N. King
Pag 832

Programming: Principles and Practice Using C++ 2nd Edition
by Bjarne Stroustrup
Pag 1312

The Linux Programming Interface: A Linux and UNIX System Programming Handbook
by Michael Kerrisk
Pag 1553

Linux Driver Development for Embedded Processors, 2th Edition
by Alberto Liberal de los Ríos
Pag 680


Engineering Mathematics
by Prof Anthony Croft, Dr Robert Davison
Pag 1024

Higher Engineering Mathematics, 8th edition
by John Bird
Pag 924


Advanced Physics For You
by Keith Johnson , Simmone Hewett
Pag 512

The Feynman Lectures on Physics Vol I, Vol II and Vol III
by Richard Feynman
Pag 1552 Price Free on the net

Machine Learning on the Microcontroller

TinyML: Machine Learning with TensorFlow Lite on Arduino and Ultra-Low-Power Microcontrollers
by Pete Warden, Daniel Situnayake
Pag 504

Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras, and TensorFlow: Concepts, Tools, and Techniques to Build Intelligent Systems 2nd Edition
by Aurélien Géron
Pag 851

Analog Devices Courseware and practical labs.


Youtube Channels


Electronic Equipment

  • Two Handheld DMM (to measure voltage and current at the same time)
  • Soldering iron or station
  • Two power supplies
  • Oscilloscope – 2 or 4 channels 100MHz
  • How NOT To Blow Up Your Oscilloscope!
  • Wave Form generator
  • Logical analyzer (if possible)
  • Spectrum Analyzer (nice but expensive gear)

Selected deeper articles from the Magazine Nuts and Volts

Selected deeper articles on RF

Selected Videos on the tenacity to make a complex electronic product when you don't even know how blink an LED.

Selected videos of analog electronics

Selected videos of how to make a OpAmp with discrete components and how it works

Selected videos on RF

Selected videos of STM32 Micro-Controller programming

Selected videos of MicroPython ESP32 and STM32 micro-controller programming

First video tutorial

Second video tutorial more project based

Selected videos of Machine Learning TensorFlow Lite on Raspberry Pi

Selected videos showing all the steps in KiCAD to design a PCB for STM32 with RF and USB.

Deeper videos on analog electronics design with math calculations

Diodes and Transistors



Op Amp Basics

Active filters

Oscilators and RF

Construction techniques

Digital Fundamentals


Online Courses

Embedded systems development courses

  • Learn ESP32 with Arduino IDE
    I took this course and I recommend it, because it is a good course. It's an extensive course, good for the beginner and not so beginners. It covers in many, many projects all the micro-controller programming and the IoT - Internet Of Things stuff with the Arduino IDE. The author is constantly adding material to the course. I have experience with several different micro-controllers and in my opinion, the ESP32 and the future ESP32-S02 are good safe bet's to learn micro-controllers in general and IoT in particular. Also they are low cost and have large range of advanced features.
    Learn ESP32 with Arduino IDE

  • Learn ESP32 The ESP-IDF
    I took this course and I recommend it highly, this is an excellent course. This is a course for a more professional or more in depth persons, for the ones that really need to know what's under the hood and want to make use of every feature, capacity and possibility that the incredible ESP32 provides. The other kind of person that I can imagine doing this course is if you are already a developer for example in PC or web context, you will rapidly understand all the details and understand all the micro-controller power that the author explains to you. The framework used (ESP-IDF) is the one made by ExpressIF, the enterprise that makes the ESP32. The knowledge that you will obtain from this course is really profound, although the author goes to extensive length to explain the foundations that you need even in more advanced C programming, it is for people that already used a micro-controller before, be it a simple Arduino Uno board, or a more professional one. But I would like to say clearly that, the knowledge that you obtain from this course is profound. In my opinion it gives you the tools, it enables you to work professional on this field developing embedded systems software with the ESP32 including IoT. The course already as 12 hours, with all the code accessible in GitHub, but it's author is currently still adding content. It also includes advanced sections on freeRTOS. It uses in a very intelligent and useful way the free Visual Studio Code Editor in Windows and Linux, even allowing debugging in ESP32 inside Visual Studio Code with a cheap 10 dollars JTAG addon board.
    Learn ESP32 The ESP-IDF

PCB design courses

  • KiCAD like a Pro
    I took this course and reed the book and I recommend it highly, this is an excellent course. There comes a time that every person that enter this field of electronics or embedded systems, will feel the need to make a professional looking board for the system that you design. When breadboard, soldering wires or simples pre-fabricated modules connected by wires, are not enough. That is the time to start learning about how to design a PCB's. Starting by drawing the schematic, to the design of the effective PCB, reaching out to a fabric to make you PCB and then assemble in your home or in the fabric with an assembly service. This course cover it all. KiCAD is a free open source tool that is of professional grade.
    KiCAD like a Pro

Have fun!

Best regards,
Joao Nuno Carvalho