NES emulator written in Scala.
Make sure to have Java and SBT in your PATH environment variable.
$ sbt assembly
$ cp target/scala-2.12/scala-nes.jar .
$ java -XX:AutoBoxCacheMax=0xffff -jar scala-nes.jar src/test/resources/nestest.nes
To print out frames per second:
$ java -XX:AutoBoxCacheMax=0xffff -jar scala-nes.jar src/test/resources/nestest.nes --stats
To enable sound (experimental):
$ java -XX:AutoBoxCacheMax=0xffff -jar scala-nes.jar src/test/resources/nestest.nes --sound
Keyboard controls are:
Nintendo | Emulator |
Up, Down, Left, Right | Arrow Keys |
Start | S |
Select | A |
A | Z |
B | X |
- OneLoneCoder's "NES Emulator From Scratch" YouTube Tutorial: the main source of motivation
- OneLoneCoder/olcNES emulator: video tutorial code
- NesDev: various NES resources
- nestest: famous test ROM