Collection of Kubernetes Device Plugins


(yes, the logo is literally photo of whiteboard drawing)


This repository aims to group various device plugins by providing unified handling for common patterns.

Current Device Plugins

Each plugin may have it's own build instructions in the linked

Creating Device Plugin

Step 1: DeviceLister

The DeviceLister interface is defined in pkg/dpm/lister.go. Implementation of DeviceLister is responsible for initially finding devices to report, and providing constructor for DevicePlugin of the device.

Step 2: DevicePlugin

The DevicePluginInterface interface (duh) represents the smallest interface that is acceptable by the DevicePluginManager. To save a bit of gRPC boilerplate, pkg/dpm/plugin.go implements a DevicePlugin struct that is able to satisfy all non-endpoint methods. Embedding this interface only leaves you to implement the gRPC call implementation itself.

Step 3: DevicePluginManager

Given DeviceLister, DevicePluginManager is capable of handling lifetime of the device plugin, it's devices and gRPC server.