
Websocket client for the INSTAR IP camera videostream

Primary LanguageHTML

Websocket Video Client

This is a frontend client for the INSTAR WQHD (IN-9408 2k+) camera websocket server. It connects to the server and displays the camera's live video stream inside an HTML5 video tag.

Websocket Video Client


  1. Open the HTML file inside your web browser (or drop it and the 2 .js and logo .svg file into the public dir of a web server).
  2. The page needs an internet connection to download the necessary Bootstrap 5 and Notie.js files (but you can also re-link them from a local location).
  3. Type in the IP address, port and websocket URL of your INSTAR camera.
  4. Click on the blue Connect button and then send the Start signal with the green Send Message button.