
srp <> scala-repl-pp <> a better Scala 3 REPL

Primary LanguageScalaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Release Maven Central

srp: scala-repl-pp (or even longer: Scala REPL PlusPlus)

srp wraps the stock Scala 3 REPL and adds many features inspired by ammonite and scala-cli. srp has only one (direct) dependency: the scala3-compiler(*).

This is (also) a breeding ground for improvements to the stock Scala REPL: we're forking parts of the REPL to later bring the changes back into the dotty codebase.

Installation / quick start

# download latest release and make executable
curl -fL https://github.com/mpollmeier/scala-repl-pp/releases/latest/download/srp > srp
chmod +x srp

# move whereever you want to have it - the directory should be on your PATH, e.g.
sudo mv srp /usr/local/bin/srp


Prerequisite: jdk11+


Benefits over / comparison with

Regular Scala REPL

  • add runtime dependencies on startup with maven coordinates - automatically handles all downstream dependencies via coursier
  • #>, #>> and #| operators to redirect output to file and pipe to external command
  • customize greeting, prompt and shutdown code
  • multiple @main with named arguments (regular Scala REPL only allows an argument list)
  • predef code - i.e. run custom code before starting the REPL - via string and scripts
  • server mode: REPL runs embedded
  • easily embeddable into your own build
  • structured rendering including product labels and type information:

Stock Scala REPL:
  • Ammonite's Scala 3 support is far from complete - e.g. autocompletion for extension methods has many shortcomings. In comparison: srp uses the regular Scala3/dotty ReplDriver.
  • Ammonite has some Scala2 dependencies intermixed, leading to downstream build problems like this. It's no longer easy to embed Ammonite into your own build.
  • Note: Ammonite allows to add dependencies dynamically even in the middle of the REPL session - that's not supported by srp currently. You need to know which dependencies you want on startup.
  • srp has a 66.6% shorter name 🙂 scala-cli wraps and invokes the regular Scala REPL (by default; or optionally Ammonite). It doesn't modify/fix the REPL itself, i.e. the above mentioned differences between srp and the stock scala repl (or alternatively Ammonite) apply, with the exception of dependencies: scala-cli does let you add them on startup as well.


# run with defaults

# customize prompt, greeting and exit code
srp --prompt myprompt --greeting 'hey there!' --onExitCode 'println("see ya!")'

# pass some predef code in file(s)
echo 'def foo = 42' > foo.sc

srp --predef foo.sc
scala> foo
val res0: Int = 42

Operators: Redirect to file, pipe to external command

Inspired by unix shell redirection and pipe operators (>, >> and |) you can redirect output into files with #> (overrides existing file) and #>> (create or append to file), and use #| to pipe the output to a command, such as less:


scala> "hey there" #>  "out.txt"
scala> "hey again" #>> "out.txt"
scala> Seq("a", "b", "c") #>> "out.txt"

// pipe results to external command
scala> Seq("a", "b", "c") #| "cat"
val res0: String = """a

// pipe results to external command with arguments
scala> Seq("foo", "bar", "foobar") #| ("grep", "foo")
val res1: String = """foo

// pipe results to external command and let it inherit stdin/stdout
scala> Seq("a", "b", "c") #|^ "less"

// pipe results to external command with arguments and let it inherit stdin/stdout
scala> Seq("a", "b", "c") #|^ ("less", "-N")

All operators use the same pretty-printing that's used within the REPL, i.e. you get structured rendering including product labels etc.

scala> case class PrettyPrintable(s: String, i: Int)
scala> PrettyPrintable("two", 2) #> "out.txt"
// out.txt now contains `PrettyPrintable(s = "two", i = 2)` - in pretty colors

The operators have a special handling for two common use cases that are applied at the root level of the object you hand them: list- or iterator-type objects are unwrapped and their elements are rendered in separate lines, and Strings are rendered without the surrounding "". Examples:

scala> "a string" #> "out.txt"
// rendered as `a string` without quotes

scala> Seq("one", "two") #> "out.txt"
// rendered as two lines without quotes:
// one
// two

scala> Seq("one", Seq("two"), Seq("three", 4), 5) #> "out.txt"
// top-level list-types are unwrapped
// resulting top-level strings are rendered without quotes:
// one
// List("two")
// List("three", 4)
// 5

All operators are prefixed with # in order to avoid naming clashes with more basic operators like > for greater-than-comparisons. This naming convention is inspired by scala.sys.process.

Add dependencies with maven coordinates

Note: the dependencies must be known at startup time, either via --dep parameter:

srp --dep com.michaelpollmeier:versionsort:1.0.7
scala> versionsort.VersionHelper.compare("1.0", "0.9")
val res0: Int = 1

To add multiple dependencies, you can specify this parameter multiple times.

Alternatively, use the //> using dep directive in predef code or predef files:

echo '//> using dep com.michaelpollmeier:versionsort:1.0.7' > predef.sc

srp --predef predef.sc

scala> versionsort.VersionHelper.compare("1.0", "0.9")
val res0: Int = 1

For Scala dependencies use :::

srp --dep com.michaelpollmeier::colordiff:0.36

colordiff.ColorDiff(List("a", "b"), List("a", "bb"))
// color coded diff

Note: if your dependencies are not hosted on maven central, you can specify additional resolvers - including those that require authentication)

Implementation note: srp uses coursier to fetch the dependencies. We invoke it in a subprocess via the coursier java launcher, in order to give our users maximum control over the classpath.

Importing additional script files interactively

echo 'val bar = "foo"' > myScript.sc


//> using file myScript.sc
println(bar) //foo

You can specify the filename with relative or absolute paths:

//> using file scripts/myScript.sc
//> using file ../myScript.sc
//> using file /path/to/myScript.sc

Adding classpath entries

Prerequisite: create some .class files:

mkdir foo
cd foo
echo 'class Foo { def foo = 42 } ' > Foo.scala
scalac Foo.scala
cd ..

Now let's start the repl with those in the classpath:

srp --classpathEntry foo

scala> new Foo().foo
val res0: Int = 42

For scripts you can use the //> using classpath directive:

echo '//> using classpath foo
println(new Foo().foo)' > myScript.sc

srp --script myScript.sc

Rendering of output

Unlike the stock Scala REPL, srp does not truncate the output by default. You can optionally specify the maxHeight parameter though:

srp --maxHeight 5
scala> (1 to 100000).toSeq
val res0: scala.collection.immutable.Range.Inclusive = Range(

Exiting the REPL

Famously one of the most popular question on stackoverflow is about how to exit vim - fortunately you can apply the answer as-is to exit srp 🙂

// all of the following exit the REPL

When the REPL is waiting for input we capture Ctrl-c and don't exit. If there's currently a long-running execution that you really might want to cancel you can press Ctrl-c again immediately which will kill the entire repl:

scala> Thread.sleep(50000)
// press Ctrl-c
Captured interrupt signal `INT` - if you want to kill the REPL, press Ctrl-c again within three seconds

// press Ctrl-c again will exit the repl

Context: we'd prefer to cancel the long-running operation, but that's not so easy on the JVM.

Looking up the current terminal width

In case you want to adjust your output rendering to the available terminal size, you can look it up:

scala> replpp.util.terminalWidth
val res0: util.Try[Int] = Success(value = 202)


See ScriptRunnerTest for a more complete and in-depth overview.

Simple "Hello world" script

echo 'println("Hello!")' > test-simple.sc

srp --script test-simple.sc
cat out.txt # prints 'i was here'

Predef file(s) used in script

echo 'println(foo)' > test-predef.sc
echo 'val foo = "Hello, predef file"' > test-predef-file.sc
srp --script test-predef.sc --predef test-predef-file.sc

To import multiple scripts, you can specify this parameter multiple times.

Importing files / scripts

echo 'val foo = 42' > foo.sc

echo '//> using file foo.sc
println(foo)' > test.sc

srp --script test.sc


Dependencies can be added via //> using dep syntax (like in scala-cli).

echo '//> using dep com.michaelpollmeier:versionsort:1.0.7

val compareResult = versionsort.VersionHelper.compare("1.0", "0.9")
assert(compareResult == 1,
       s"result of comparison should be `1`, but was `$compareResult`")
' > test-dependencies.sc

srp --script test-dependencies.sc

Note: this also works with using directives in your predef code - for script and REPL mode.

@main entrypoints

echo '@main def main() = println("Hello, world!")' > test-main.sc

srp --script test-main.sc

multiple @main entrypoints

echo '
@main def foo() = println("foo!")
@main def bar() = println("bar!")
' > test-main-multiple.sc

srp --script test-main-multiple.sc --command foo

named parameters

echo '
@main def main(first: String, last: String) = {
  println(s"Hello, $first $last!")
} ' > test-main-withargs.sc

srp --script test-main-withargs.sc --param first=Michael --param last=Pollmeier

If your parameter value contains whitespace, just wrap it quotes so that your shell doesn't split it up, e.g. --param "text=value with whitespace"

On windows the parameters need to be triple-quoted in any case: srp.bat --script test-main-withargs.sc --param """first=Michael""" --param """last=Pollmeier"""

Additional dependency resolvers and credentials

Via --repo parameter on startup:

srp --repo "https://repo.gradle.org/gradle/libs-releases" --dep org.gradle:gradle-tooling-api:7.6.1
scala> org.gradle.tooling.GradleConnector.newConnector()

To add multiple dependency resolvers, you can specify this parameter multiple times.

Or via //> using resolver directive as part of your script or predef code:

echo '
//> using resolver https://repo.gradle.org/gradle/libs-releases
//> using dep org.gradle:gradle-tooling-api:7.6.1
' > script-with-resolver.sc

srp --script script-with-resolver.sc

If one or multiple of your resolvers require authentication, you can configure your username/passwords in a credentials.properties file:

mycorp.realm=Artifactory Realm


The prefix is arbitrary and is only used to specify several credentials in a single file. srp uses coursier to resolve dependencies.

Attach a debugger (remote jvm debug)

For the REPL itself:

export JAVA_OPTS='-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=5005,server=y,suspend=y'

Then attach your favorite IDE / debugger on port 5005.

If you want to debug a script, it's slightly different. Scripts are executed in a separate subprocess - just specify the following parameter (and make sure JAVA_OPTS isn't also set).

srp --script myScript.sc --remoteJvmDebug

Server mode

Note: srp-server isn't currently available as a bootstrapped binary, so you have to stage it locally first using sbt stage.


curl http://localhost:8080/query-sync -X POST -d '{"query": "val foo = 42"}'
# {"success":true,"stdout":"val foo: Int = 42\n",...}

curl http://localhost:8080/query-sync -X POST -d '{"query": "val bar = foo + 1"}'
# {"success":true,"stdout":"val bar: Int = 43\n",...}

curl http://localhost:8080/query-sync -X POST -d '{"query":"println(\"OMG remote code execution!!1!\")"}'
# {"success":true,"stdout":"",...}%

The same for windows and powershell:


Invoke-WebRequest -Method 'Post' -Uri http://localhost:8080/query-sync -ContentType "application/json" -Body '{"query": "val foo = 42"}'
# Content           : {"success":true,"stdout":"val foo: Int = 42\r\n","uuid":"02f843ba-671d-4fb5-b345-91c1dcf5786d"}
Invoke-WebRequest -Method 'Post' -Uri http://localhost:8080/query-sync -ContentType "application/json" -Body '{"query": "foo + 1"}'
# Content           : {"success":true,"stdout":"val res0: Int = 43\r\n","uuid":"dc49df42-a390-4177-98d0-ac87a277c7d5"}

Predef code works with server as well:

echo val foo = 99 > foo.sc
./srp-server --predef foo.sc

curl -XPOST http://localhost:8080/query-sync -d '{"query":"val baz = foo + 1"}'
# {"success":true,"stdout":"val baz: Int = 100\n",...}

Adding dependencies:

echo '//> using dep com.michaelpollmeier:versionsort:1.0.7' > foo.sc
./srp-server --predef foo.sc

curl http://localhost:8080/query-sync -X POST -d '{"query": "versionsort.VersionHelper.compare(\"1.0\", \"0.9\")"}'
# {"success":true,"stdout":"val res0: Int = 1\n",...}%

srp-server can be used in an asynchronous mode:


curl http://localhost:8080/query -X POST -d '{"query": "val baz = 93"}'
# {"success":true,"uuid":"e2640fcb-3193-4386-8e05-914b639c3184"}%

curl http://localhost:8080/result/e2640fcb-3193-4386-8e05-914b639c3184
{"success":true,"uuid":"e2640fcb-3193-4386-8e05-914b639c3184","stdout":"val baz: Int = 93\n"}%

And there's even a websocket channel that allows you to get notified when the query has finished. For more details and other use cases check out ReplServerTests.scala

Server-specific configuration options as per srp --help:

--server-host <value>    Hostname on which to expose the REPL server
--server-port <value>    Port on which to expose the REPL server
--server-auth-username <value> Basic auth username for the REPL server
--server-auth-password <value> Basic auth password for the REPL server

Embed into your own project

Try out the working string calculator example in this repo:

cd core/src/test/resources/demo-project
sbt stage

Welcome to the magical world of string calculation!
Type `help` for help

stringcalc> add(One, Two)
val res0: stringcalc.Number = Number(3)

Global predef file: ~/.scala-repl-pp.sc

Code that should be available across all srp sessions can be written into your local ~/.scala-repl-pp.sc.

echo 'def bar = 90' > ~/.scala-repl-pp.sc
echo 'def baz = 91' > script1.sc
echo 'def bam = 92' > script2.sc

./srp --predef script1.sc --predef script2.sc

scala> bar
val res0: Int = 90

scala> baz
val res1: Int = 91

scala> bam
val res2: Int = 92

Verbose mode

If verbose mode is enabled, you'll get additional information about classpaths and complete scripts etc. To enable it, you can either pass --verbose or set the environment variable SCALA_REPL_PP_VERBOSE=true.

Inherited classpath

srp comes with it's own classpath dependencies, and depending on how you invoke it there are different requirements for controlling the inherited classpath. E.g. if you add srp as a dependency to your project and want to simply use all dependencies from that same project, you can configure --cpinherit (or programatically replpp.Config.classpathConfig.inheritClasspath). You can also include or exclude dependencies via regex expressions.

Parameters cheat sheet: the most important ones

Here's only the most important ones - run srp --help for all parameters.

parameter short description
--predef -p Import additional files
--dep -d Add dependencies via maven coordinates
--repo -r Add repositories to resolve dependencies
--script Execute given script
--param key/value pair for main function in script
--verbose -v Verbose mode


Is this an extension of the stock REPL or a fork?

Technically it is a fork, i.e. we copied parts of the ReplDriver to make some adjustments. However, semantically, srp can be considered an extension of the stock repl. We don't want to create and maintain a competing REPL implementation, instead the idea is to provide a space for exploring new ideas and bringing them back into the dotty codebase. When we forked the stock ReplDriver, we made sure to separate the commits into bitesized chunks so we can easily rebase. The changes are clearly marked, and whenever there's a new dotty version we're bringing in the relevant changes here (git diff 3.3.0-RC5..3.3.0-RC6 compiler/src/dotty/tools/repl/).

Why do we ship a shaded copy of other libraries and not use dependencies?

srp includes some small libraries (e.g. most of the com-haoyili universe) that have been copied as-is, but then moved into the replpp.shaded namespace. We didn't include them as regular dependencies, because repl users may want to use a different version of them, which may be incompatible with the version the repl uses. Thankfully their license is very permissive - a big thanks to the original authors! The instructions of how to (re-) import then and which versions were used are available in import-instructions.md.

Where's the cache located on disk?

The cache? The caches you mean! :) There's ~/.cache/scala-repl-pp for the repl itself. Since we use coursier (via a subprocess) there's also ~/.cache/coursier.

Contribution guidelines

How can I build/stage a local version?

sbt stage

How can I get a new binary (bootstrapped) release?

While maven central jar releases are created for each commit on master (a new version tag is assigned automatically), the binary (bootstrapped) releases that end up in https://github.com/mpollmeier/scala-repl-pp/releases/latest are being triggered manually. Contributors can run the bootstrap action.

Updating the Scala version

  • bump version in build.sbt
  • get relevant diff from dotty repo
cd /path/to/dotty
git fetch

OLD=3.3.0 # set to version that was used before you bumped it
NEW=3.3.1 # set to version that you bumped it to
git checkout $NEW
git diff $OLD compiler/src/dotty/tools/repl
  • check if any of those changes need to be reapplied to this repo

Updating the shaded libraries

See import-instructions.md.


(*) To keep our codebase concise we do use libraries, most importantly the com.lihaoyi stack. We want to ensure that users can freely use their own dependencies without clashing with the srp classpath though, so we copied them into our build and changed the namespace to replpp.shaded. Many thanks to the original authors, also for choosing permissive licenses.