
This is a simple istio demo/example. This example is based on spring boot and create automatically a docker image. Change the docker image prefix in the pom.xml to be able to publish the image on your docker registry.

You will need for this demo:

  • maven
  • docker
  • minikube
  • kubectl
  • istio

Example usage:

  1. build both services mvn clean install
  2. push to docker registry docker push prefix/helloworld-service && docker push prefix/helloworld-service-caller
  3. deploy service kubectl apply -f kubernetes/helloworld-deployment-mpo.yaml
  4. create service kubectl apply -f kubernetes/helloworld-service-mpo.yaml
  5. deploy service caller kubectl apply -f kubernetes/helloworld-caller-deployment-mpo.yaml
  6. create service caller kubectl apply -f kubernetes/helloworld-caller-service-mpo.yaml
  7. install istio : kubectl apply -f $istio-path/install/kubernetes/helm/istio/templates/crds.yaml
  8. sidecar injection: kubectl label namespace default istio-injection=enabled --overwrite
  9. restart services: kubectl scale deployment helloworld-service --replicas=0 && kubectl scale deployment helloworld-service --replicas=2
  10. restart services caller: kubectl scale deployment helloworld-service-caller --replicas=0 && kubectl scale deployment helloworld-service-caller --replicas=2
  11. create gateway: kubectl apply -f istio-rules/helloworld-service-gateway.yml
  12. test it curl [](
  13. activate the other example istio rueles