- 0
Spotify artist link not working
#103 opened by t-heuser - 1
Add an option for iframe lazyloading
#102 opened by jimblue - 1
iFrame `frameborder` attribute is deprecated in HTLM5
#101 opened by jimblue - 5
Twitter embeds don't work on production
#99 opened by johncarter- - 1
Imgur not embedded?
#91 opened by maxvergelli - 1
Vimeo private video links
#90 opened by jacksleight - 2
Support custom request headers
#89 opened by uxweb - 1
Instagram oEmbed is deprecated
#87 opened by TiGR - 4
Facebook is problematic
#84 opened by billtomczak - 3
Get video_id from Youtube URL
#79 opened by tomaszkane - 6
Custom Provider Parameters
#76 opened by billtomczak - 3
Broken/Unsupported Providers
#78 opened by billtomczak - 3
Added Wordwall provider
#71 opened by azeos - 3
Argument 2 passed to Embera\Http\OembedClient::__construct() must be an instance of Embera\Http\HttpClient, instance of Embera\Http\HttpClientCache given
#67 opened by vensires - 3
- 3
Allowing CKEditor5 code
#66 opened by charlesastwood - 1
youtube rel=0 ?
#62 opened by interfixnet - 1
Animoto using a url.
#50 opened by Steelcrusher - 6
How do I change embed to use https?
#19 opened by amirshawn - 1
Playbuzz implementation is incomplete
#61 opened by billtomczak - 5
(OLD) Road to Embera 2.0
#15 opened by mpratt - 1
Embedding playbuzz items
#51 opened by kingerez - 1
The New YouTube Desktop Design is not Supported.
#52 opened by dipo1 - 1
Allow hidden vi
#53 opened by i92segoa - 1
Silk defunct
#56 opened by billtomczak - 7
Facebook offline support?
#46 opened by andrewpros - 2
Github Gists
#44 opened by deenison - 3
Not recognising Twitter or Flickr URLs (v1.9.2)
#38 opened by lucanos - 3
Facebook embed bug
#36 opened by assembledadam - 9
twiitter embed doesn't work
#35 opened by chuja3 - 7
Ignore or modify links
#30 opened by pattyland - 2
Wikipedia provider
#33 opened by iborisovBG - 2
- 1
Adding custom query string parameters to a service
#24 opened by jrean - 1
- 4
Specify provider(s)
#23 opened by ayndev - 3
Embeds in <pre> tags
#22 opened by sunnysingh - 3
New Dailymotion url support
#18 opened by DoyleCC - 3
YouTube links aren't parsed.
#16 opened by german-chosen - 6
Spotify Embed
#14 opened by amirshawn - 5
get extra info from url
#13 opened by rakucmr - 1
video length
#10 opened by mouhsinelonly - 1
Soundcloud not working
#8 opened by silentworks - 2
E_WARNING: curl_setopt_array(): CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION cannot be activated when safe_mode is enabled or an open_basedir is set
#6 opened by buggedcom - 0
youtube normalisation regex
#5 opened by buggedcom - 1
The spotify oembed works just fine.
#4 opened by buggedcom - 3
Adding my own endpoints
#1 opened by silentworks