
Puzzle 7 - A Parameter Problem, Part 2

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Puzzle-7 - A Parameter Problem, Part 2

Ok ok.. we got lots of feedback about our parameter problem in Puzzle 6, and a great suggestion we heard was that you should use a class to pass data as a cascading parameter. So... we did that.

We added a footer to our Grid component and want to activate a checkbox in that footer that allows the user of the grid to toggle a 'dark theme' for the grid. We've allocated a CSS class called darkMode that will set the background color of the table to a darker palette.

How do we update the files in our component library so that the checkbox can toggle between dark and light themes?

Our Grid.razor looks like this:

@using System.Reflection;
@typeparam TItem
<table class="@_GridClass">
	<CascadingValue Name="HeaderRowClass" Value="@HeaderClass">
		<GridHeader HeaderType="@typeof(TItem)"></GridHeader>

		@if (Items is null)
		} else
			@foreach (var item in Items)
					@foreach (var column in Columns)

	<CascadingValue Name="FooterStyle" Value="@_FooterStyle">
		<GridFooter />

@code {

	public string HeaderClass { get; set; } = string.Empty;

	public string FooterClass { get; set; } = string.Empty;

	public IEnumerable<TItem> Items { get; set; } = null;

	[Parameter, EditorRequired]
	public RenderFragment EmptyTemplate  { get; set; }

	private IEnumerable<PropertyInfo> Columns { get; set; }

	private FooterStyle _FooterStyle = new FooterStyle();

	private string _GridClass = "";

	protected override Task OnInitializedAsync()

		Columns = typeof(TItem).GetProperties();
		_FooterStyle.FooterClass = FooterClass;
		_FooterStyle.NumColumns = Columns.Count();

		return base.OnInitializedAsync();


The new FooterStyle class is a simple set of properties:

internal class FooterStyle {

	public string FooterClass { get; set; } = string.Empty;

	public int NumColumns { get; set; } = 1;


The GridFooter component is a simple bit of markup with a checkbox

	 <tr class="@Style?.FooterClass">
		<td colspan="@(Style?.NumColumns ?? 1)">
			Is Darkmode? <input type="checkbox" />

@code {

	[CascadingParameter(Name="FooterStyle")] internal FooterStyle Style { get; set; }


How should we update our component library to allow the checkbox in the grid footer component to toggle the application of the darkMode class on the HTML table tag?