The Reasonable Care management system for CSC 540
Team Members: gshah, mpsenn, glsetlif, mdnevill
Reasonable Care provides a means for students, doctors, and nurses to schedule doctor and receive medical care. It provides an interface for students to schedule appointments, search for doctors, and update their personal information. Doctors may view their upcoming and past appointments, and nurses may help provide on-the-phone consultations for students, as well as schedule appointments if necessary.
#Usage ##Managing User Accounts ###Register a new student with basic information Staff users may register new students with basic information. This essentially creates a new student account, and they student may then update their own information or staff can do this for them.
ReasonableCare/staff> create-student <name> <password> <starting date>
###Take health insurance information and update student information Staff may update a student's information, or a student may do this himself. Upon issuing the update command, users are prompted for which criteria they wish to update, i.e. health insurance information.
ReasonableCare/staff> update-student <student ID>
Enter the attribute to be updated:
2.HealthInsurance Provider Name
3.HealthInsurance Provider Number
5.Starting semester
ReasonableCare/student> update-student
Enter the attribute to be updated:
2.HealthInsurance Provider Name
3.HealthInsurance Provider Number
5.Starting semester
###Maintain and update doctor information
Staff have the ability to create new doctor accounts and update doctor information, including name, phone number, and area of specialization.
####Create a new doctor account
ReasonableCare/staff> create-doctor <name> <password> <phone number> <specialization>
####Update existing doctor account
ReasonableCare/staff> update-doctor <doctor ID>
Enter the attribute to be updated:
4.Phone Number
###Check student records for holds
A student must receive three vaccinations by the end of their first semester, otherwise their account with the health center is in a hold. It is possible to check which students have not received their mandatory vaccinations in the Staff Shell with the check vaccinations command, which will print a list of all students who are in violation.
ReasonableCare/staff> check-vaccinations
| Student ID | Student Name | Starting Semester | Number of Vaccinations |
| 1005 | MDaniel | 2012-08-01 00:00:00.0 | 0 |
| 1052 | Jim | 2013-01-04 00:00:00.0 | 0 |
| 1082 | Gati | 2013-03-12 00:00:00.0 | 0 |
Students may also check their own vaccinatino records through the Student Shell
ReasonableCare/student> check-vaccinations
You have had 0 vaccinations.
##Making an Appointment with a Doctor
Students can make appointments through the Student shell. Upon issuing the make appointment command, students are prompted for the relevant information for the appointment, including appointment type.
ReasonableCare/sudent> make-appointment-interactive
Select Appointment Type
1. Vaccination
2. Physical
3. Office Visit
###Scheduling an office visit
To schedule an office visit, select the appopriate prompt response. You will then be shown doctors who specialize in that field and a list of availble times for a date that you choose. After successfully choosing a doctor and appointment time, enter relevant payment information if you have not met your deductible.
Enter the reason of your visit
3.Mental Health
5.Physical Therapy
6.Women's Health
7.Urinary, Genital Problems
8.HIV Testing
9.Ear, Nose, Throat Problems
10.Heart related Problems
2004 Dr. Rob
2108 Dr. Harry
Select the id of the doctor you want to book appointment with
Enter the date for the appointment (YYYY-MM-DD):
| Available Appointment Times on 2014-04-12 |
| 2014-04-12 13:30:00.0 |
Select an option:
1. Enter an available time from the list (HH:MM:SS)
2. Enter a different date
3. Exit system and log out
Enter an available time from the list (HH:MM:SS):
The copayment for your appointment will be: 20
Your deductible has not been paid for the year.
Enter your credit card number:
Enter your the expiration month:
Enter your the expiration year:
Your credit card was pre-approved.
Created new Appointment with id = 3220
###Checking past appointments
Students can view their past appointments in the Student Shell
ReasonableCare/student> check-past-appointments
| Time/Date | Doctor | Type | Reason |
| 2014-04-09 16:30:00.0 | Dr. Harry | Office Visit | Stomach Ache |
###Showing and canceling future appointments
A student can view his or her future appointments using the Student Shell.
ReasonableCare/student> check-future-appointments
| AppointmentID | Time/Date | Doctor | Type | Reason |
| 3241 | 2014-04-14 16:30:00.0 | Dr. Rob | Office Visit | Mental Health |
Students can also cancel their own appointments using the appointment ID's.
ReasonableCare/student> delete-appointment 3220
Deleted appointment between Dr. Rob and Mitchell Neville
##Doctors' Schedules
Doctors are able to view inforamtion about their appointments from the Doctor Shell.
ReasonableCare/doctor> check-future-appointments
| Appt ID | Student | Date and Time | Appt Type | Appt Reason | Notes |
| 3220 | Mitchell Neville | 2014-04-12 13:30:00.0 | Office Visit | Mental Health | null |