
implementation of hangman from The Odin Project

Primary LanguageRuby


This represents an implementation of the core funcionatly of Hangman from The Odin Project. It's essentially feature complete, but lacks any form of error handling. A good-faith player (one who isn't actively trying to break the game) should have no trouble at all.


  • Clone and run lib/hangman from the project's root directory. Menus from there on should be pretty self-explanatory.
  • Crl-c during game to save and exit.

The original purpose of this project was to learn about File I/O in Ruby. As the project devloped, I realized the importance of modular architecture, and fell into a few anti-patterns, before arriving at a pattern that addressed the problem well, in my opinion, and could be extended to solve other problems.

I've implemented two types of File I/O in this project. The first, and simplest of the two, was reading in from a text file to pick the word. This was straightforward, I simply had to read the contents of the file into memory before selecting a word. The second type of File I/O used YAML to save and load the game state. This was a bit trickier to implement, but I feel that I have a much better grasp on YAML serialization than I did in the past.

The design pattern evolved mainly in two forms. I originally used a flat architecture to understand the game loop. When I started to add the game save features though, it became apparent I should start separating some functionality. Particularly in light of the looming Chess project. I wanted to devise a pattern that would be extensible to that circumstance as well. I arrived at a pattern that used Application to handle initializing the game, as well as the saving and loading operations and prompts. The game logic and representation is implemented by HangmanGame. Application creates or loads a HangmanGame instance, then will kick either off using the same method call on HangmanGame. This should be almost directly extensible to the Chess project.

Gems used:

  • HighLine
    • This was used to handle loading/new game prompts, save/exit prompts, and also to provide color to the guess feedback.
    • I like this gem a lot. Way easier than using gets and puts. Other than printing the board, I don't think I used a single gets or puts in the main project.