
Super simple key-value store with Perl, DBI, and SQLite

Primary LanguagePerl



A super simple key value store written in Perl, using DBI and SQLite.


This guide assumes the following:

  • You've install sqlite3
  • You've installed cpanm, and have set up the local bootstrapping
  • You have $HOME/bin/ in your $PATH.


$ git clone git@gitbub.com:mpstewart/kv.git
$ cd kv
$ make install
$ make db_init

This will:

  • Install the Perl modules to $HOME/perl5/lib/perl5/
  • Create the storage database file in $HOME/.kv.db, as well as migrate the schema.


kv detects input piped to STDIN (and only from a pipe!) and will load it into a key value store stored in $HOME/.kv.db. The key for the stored item is the first argument passed to kv. Reading from the store is done simply by specifying the key with nothing coming in on STDIN.

Writing to the store

$ echo "Hello world!" | kv greeting

Reading from the store

$ kv greeting
Hello world!

Overwriting a key

WARNING Currently, kv will silently overwrite any existing record. It's recommended to try to dump out the contents of a stored record if you're unsure if it already exists or not.


Currently, there's no way to delete something from the store once it's in there. You can always sqlite3 ~/.kv.db and take care of that yourself, though. It's planned as an upcoming feature, though, once I add some option parsing support.

Planned features

  • More convenience around overwriting and deleting existing keys, probably via a set of -f and -d flags.