
MPT Backup API. A clone of JAKIM e-solat API.

Primary LanguageHTML

Python NodeJS GitHub Actions Heroku


Announcement: This repo will be discountinued. Please visit the replacement repo mpt-server

Attention ❗ This API is meant to be used by the Malaysia Prayer Time app as a backup if JAKIM's API is unreachable.

To run

Pull the latest data from JAKIM.

Prerequisites: Node & Python 3.10

⚠️ Careful: Don't run too much (Don't DDOS JAKIM). For each run, it will poll this data from JAKIM server about 58 times (number of zones, it could be more than that due to retrying) every 1.5 secs.

Install required packages

pip install requests urllib3

Run the fetcher

py fetcher.py

Start local server

npm install


npm start

Put it togother, how does it works?

flowchart TD
    A{{JAKIM API}}
    A <--> C
    C[[Fetch latest prayer data]] --- D[(db.json)] & E[(log.json)] --> F(Commit & push)
    F -->|Heroku build triggered| G[Deployed to Heroku]

This workflow will trigger automatically on the first day of the month via GitHub Actions.

api fetcher


  1. The idea behind automatic fetching and deploy using Python and GitHub
  2. The idea of this simple API architecture
  3. Website template