SimpleChess is a GUI Frontend for UCI Chess engines chess program using the Stockfish engine.
UCI, (Universal Chess Interface) an open communication protocol for chess engines to play games automatically, that is to communicate with other programs including Graphical User Interfaces. UCI was designed and developed by Rudolf Huber and Stefan Meyer-Kahlen [1] , and released in November 2000 [2] . It has, by-in-large, replaced the older Chess Engine Communication Protocol. (Wikipedia)
You can choose from a large list of UCI engines, and decide which to use, but keep always the same graphical user interface. Which is fine. The stockfish engine is the strongest open source chess engine though.
SimpleChess is in very early development stage. So it is currently only possible to play white.
- Play chess! Only with white, but it's playable.
- Load PGN files and view the match
- Undo moves
- Save and reload your match
- Get move suggestions from the engine
- En-passant capturing
- Choosing to which piece the pawn on the last row is being promoted
- Windows
- Patience
- Consolehost is not being closed after program close and remains as a zombie
- Sometimes the UCI communication is messed up and the board is in undefined state after
Grab a release from and run SimpleChess.exe
Yes I know, there's and, and you can do a lot of stuff there. But imagine you get lost on an island during a plane crash as the only survivor. The only thing you could find is a laptop with SimpleChess on it and a bottle of California whiskey. Get it?