
A simple raytracer which is based on a GLSL compute shader

Primary LanguageC++


GPUTracer is in fact an offline Version of Shadertoy

Although it is in a very early stage, it already can run Shaders from the online site.


View and edit multiple shaders at once.


Currently you can edit shaders, preview and render the images to disk as well.

The shaders from Shadertoy, are not 100% compatible, but will be in the future. Currently you must add the following code to the main shader:

void main() {

ivec2 pixelCoords = ivec2(gl_GlobalInvocationID.xy);
ivec2 dims = imageSize(outputImage); // fetch image dimensions
vec4 outColor;


imageStore(outputImage, pixelCoords, outColor);


Every contributon is welcome at any time.