
Doom Emacs key bindings in IdeaVim

Primary LanguageVim Script


Doom Emacs key bindings in IdeaVim.


Breaking Changes

  • Renamed ideavimrc -> init.vim, so you need to import init.vim into your .ideavimrc.
  • expand-region.vim was removed. To configure expand/shrink region key bindings, see Tips > Expand/Shrink Region section below.



source /path/to/idea-doom-emacs/init.vim
" If you want camel case movement and editing
source /path/to/idea-doom-emacs/subword-mode.vim

Key Bindings


Key binding Description
SPC b d, SPC b k Kill buffer
SPC b s Save buffer
SPC b K Kill all buffers
SPC b N New empty buffer
SPC b O Kill other buffers
SPC b S Save all buffers


Key binding Description
SPC c D Jump to references
SPC c a Execute Intention Action
SPC c c Compile
SPC c d Jump to definition
SPC c f Format buffer/region
SPC c i Find implementations
SPC c j Jump to symbol in current workspace
SPC c k Show documentation
SPC c o Organize imports
SPC c r Rename
SPC c t Find type definition
SPC c C Recompile


Key binding Description
SPC f c Open project editorconfig
SPC f r Recent files
SPC f s Save file
SPC f R Rename/move file
SPC f y Copy filename


Key binding Description
SPC g ' GitHub menu
SPC g . Git file actions
SPC g / Git menu
SPC g [, [ d Jump to previous hunk
SPC g ], ] d Jump to next hunk
SPC g b Switch branch
SPC g r Revert hunk
SPC g s Status
SPC g t Time machine
SPC g B Blame
SPC g C Clone
SPC g F Fetch
SPC g S Git stage file


Key binding Description
SPC g c b Branch
SPC g c p Pull request
SPC g c r Initialize repo
SPC g c R Clone repo


Key binding Description
SPC g l p List pull requests


Key binding Description
SPC g o o Browse file or region
SPC g o p Browse a pull request


Key binding Description
SPC h e Show Event Log
SPC h r Reload IdeaVim config
SPC h t Change theme


Key binding Description
SPC i e (M-SPC i e in insert mode) Insert emoji/unicode
SPC i s (M-SPC i s in insert mode) Insert Live Template
SPC i u (M-SPC i u in insert mode) Insert emoji/unicode
SPC i y (M-SPC i y in insert mode) Insert from clipboard


Key binding Description
SPC o f New window
SPC o F Select window
SPC o o Reveal in filer
SPC o p Toggle Project View
SPC o P Find file in Project View
SPC o t Open terminal
SPC o T Open terminal here


Key binding Description
SPC p ! Run cmd in project root
SPC p i Invalidate project cache
SPC p p Switch projects
SPC p R Run project
SPC p t Show TODO
SPC p z List project tasks


Key binding Description
SPC t b Presentation Mode
SPC t F Fullscreen
SPC t l Line numbers
SPC t r Read-only mode
SPC t w Soft line wrapping
SPC t z Distraction Free Mode
SPC t Z Zen Mode


Key binding Description
SPC /, SPC s p Search project
SPC s k Look up in Dash docsets


Key binding Equivalent to
SPC w c, SPC w d C-w c
SPC w h C-w h
SPC w j C-w j
SPC w k C-w k
SPC w l C-w l
SPC w s C-w s
SPC w v C-w v
SPC w w C-w w
SPC w W C-w W
Key binding Description
SPC w m Maximize window (unsplit)


Key binding Description
g s b <Plug>(easymotion-bl)
g s e <Plug>(easymotion-el)
g s f <Plug>(easymotion-f)
g s F <Plug>(easymotion-F)
g s j <Plug>(easymotion-j)
g s k <Plug>(easymotion-k)
g s n <Plug>(easymotion-n)
g s N <Plug>(easymotion-N)
g s s <Plug>(easymotion-s2)
g s t <Plug>(easymotion-t)
g s T <Plug>(easymotion-T)
g s w <Plug>(easymotion-wl)
g s g e <Plug>(easymotion-gel)

In Project View

Key binding Description
g r Refresh
j Next line
k Previous line
K Go to parent
L Next neighbour
H Previous neighbour
o o Open no split
o s Open vertical
o v Open horizontal
q Quit


Key binding Description
SPC RET Jump to bookmark
SPC < Switch buffer (Switcher)
[ SPC Insert blank line above current line
] SPC Insert blank line below current line


Reformat Code on Save

Actions on Save feature is available since IntelliJ IDEA 2021.2.

Go Settings > Tools > Actions on Save and check Reformat code (also check Optimize imports, Rearrange code if you want).

If it doesn't work, make sure you don't set ideawrite option to file. It should be all.

Retain Region on Indent

Add the following into your init.vim:

vnoremap < <gv
vnoremap > >gv

Expand/Shrink Region

Spacemacs Style (Recommended)

Add the following into your init.vim:

map <Leader>v <Action>(EditorSelectWord)
let g:WhichKeyDesc_expand_region = '<Leader>v Expand region'
vmap v <Action>(EditorSelectWord)
vmap V <Action>(EditorUnSelectWord)

Doom Emacs Style

Add the following into your init.vim:

map <C-S-=> <Action>(EditorSelectWord)
vmap <C-S-=> <Action>(EditorSelectWord)
vmap <C-=> <Action>(EditorUnSelectWord)

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