
Migrate cassandra clusters to k8ssandra (or k8ssandra to k8ssandra) easily with automated snapshot creation + restore

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


This tool will allow you to migrate data between Cassandra Clusters. There are 3 scripts that will handle this task. Each script have its own purpose and usage, which i'll describe in detail below.

The create-snapshot.sh script will be sent to the Source Cassandra nodes and execute nodetool cleanup, nodetool snapshot, compress the snapshots and then send them to an S3 bucket. To be able to upload to an S3 bucket, you'll need gimme-aws-creds installed on your local machine. The <snapshot>.tar.gz file will be removed to save space after the snapshot has been uploaded to S3.

The restore-snapshot.sh script will be sent to the Target Cassandra nodes and use cqlsh to create the Keyspaces from the Source snapshot, this will also create the Tables that we need in order to start pushing the raw .db files using SSTableLoader.

All Cassandra operations are executed from cassutils docker image.

start.sh is the one (and only) script you'll execute in your local-machine. Usage described below.


Complete the following to trigger a migration:

  • Modify the file config-sample.toml to suit your needs and save it as config.toml
  • Login to AWS CLI, set the AWS_PROFILE env var and validate account number with aws sts get-caller-identity | jq -r .Account
  • Launch the main script specifying your config file ./start.sh migrate --config config.toml

More options:

>>> Actions:
snapshot       - Create snapshot (only source cluster will be used)
restore        - Restore from snapshot (only target cluster will be used)
migrate        - Create snapshot in source cluster and restore in target cluster
validate       - Validate keyspace and table data in source or target cluster
                 (Usage: validate source | validate target)
>>> Options:
-c|--config    - Specify a config file to use (Optional, default: config.toml)
-n|--node-id   - Specify a node to run the desired action instead of running in all nodes (Optional)
--wait         - Wait for each node to finish before continuing with the next.
                 Disables working with all nodes at the same time. (Optional. default: False)
--no-upload    - Skip uploading the snapshot to S3. (Optional. Default: false)
                 This will just take a snapshot and save it to <work-path>/snapshot/
--no-download  - Skip downloading the snapshot from S3. (Optional. Default: false)
                 This asumes the snapshot is already present in <work-path>/snapshot/<snapshot-name> and will restore from there
-h|--help      - Show this help message.
>>> Usage (Single task):
./start.sh snapshot --config custom-migration-config.toml
./start.sh restore --no-download
>>> Usage (Full migration):
./start.sh migrate
>>> Usage (Run data validation in target cluster):
./start.sh validate target --config custom-migration-config.toml --node-id 0