
Populate the QuickFix list with the output of git-diff command

Primary LanguageVim Script


The missing :Gdiff command for Vim. Populates the QuickFix list with the output of git-diff command

Credit: Originally written by @eloytoro tpope/vim-fugitive#132 (comment)


Using vim-plug add the following line to your vimrc.

Plug 'oguzbilgic/vim-gdiff'

Run the command bellow to install the plugin:



:Gdiff {revision}


If you are on a feature branch, the following command will populate the quick fix list with all the files changed only on that branch, useful for code reviews.

:Gdiff master... 


Once you populate the quick fix list you can easily cycle through the using following mappings. You can add these to your .vimrc

" Quickfix motions
nnoremap [q :cprevious<cr>
nnoremap ]q :cnext<cr>
nnoremap [Q :cfirst<cr>
nnoremap ]Q :clast<cr>

Additionally, you can cycle the list using fugitive :Gdiffsplit command.

nnoremap ]r :%bd<CR>:cnext<CR>:Gdiffsplit master<CR>
nnoremap [r :%bd<CR>:cprevious<CR>:Gdiffsplit master<CR>
nnoremap ]R :%bd<CR>:clast<CR>:Gdiffsplit master<CR>
nnoremap [R :%bd<CR>:cfirst<CR>:Gdiffsplit master<CR>

]r will open the next file with a diff view.