

Login and Session



Orders and Trades

Order and MarketData Update


Date Version Changes Details
05-01-2021 matches pyapi pyapi v0.0.15
15-11-2021 SearchScrips search text is encoded for M&M etc
19-04-2021 TouchlineBroker TouchlineFeedadded
01-01-2021 InitialRelease Based on NorenRestAPI v1.10.0


The Api is a dotNet wrapper of the P9API which offers a combination of Rest calls and WebSocket for the purposes of Trading.

API is developed on VisualStudio2019 and uses .NetStandard 2.0 The dependency libraries are Newtonsoft.Json 9.0.1

The namespace NorenRestApiWrapper and class NorenRestApi are of primary use and interest


To initialize the api the following are needed

endPoint: The api end point as instructed by your Broker Appkey : The secretkey issued to you, donot append the userid to it.

Making Requests

We will be creating an object of NorenRestApi to make requests, the callback is an argument of the request method.

LoginMessage loginMessage = new LoginMessage();
loginMessage.uid = uid;
loginMessage.pwd = pwd;
loginMessage.factor2 = pan;
loginMessage.imei = "134243434";
loginMessage.source = "API";
loginMessage.appkey = appkey;

nApi.SendLogin(Program.OnAppLoginResponse, endPoint, loginMessage);

In the above example we are sending the Loginrequest,this method takes three arguments

  1. Callback: this is the function where the application will be handling the response
  2. Endpoint: NorenOMS address
  3. MessageData: parameters of the request being made.

The Callback is of signature

public delegate void OnResponse(NorenResponseMsg Response,bool ok)

A Typical callback will be handled as below

public static voidOnAppLoginResponse(NorenResponseMsg Response, bool ok)
   LoginResponse loginResp= Response as LoginResponse;

       //do all work here

The Response is casted to expected DataType ie in this example being LoginResponse, stat is checked to see if the request was successful.

Login and Session


public bool SendLogin(OnResponse response,string endPoint,LoginMessage login)

connect to the broker, only once this function has returned successfully can any other operations be performed

RequestDetails: As Arguments
    LoginMessage loginMessage = new LoginMessage();
    loginMessage.apkversion = "1.0.0";
    loginMessage.uid = uid;
    loginMessage.pwd = pwd;
    loginMessage.factor2 = factor2;
    loginMessage.imei = imei;
    loginMessage.vc = vc;
    loginMessage.source = "API";
    loginMessage.appkey = appkey;
    nApi.SendLogin(Handlers.OnAppLoginResponse, endPoint, loginMessage);
Json Fields Possible value Description
stat Ok or Not_Ok Login Success Or failure status
susertoken session id, avilable subsequently on login success with method UserToken
lastaccesstime lastaccesstime
spasswordreset Y If Y Mandatory password reset to be enforced. Otherwise the field will be absent.
exarr array of strings with enabled exchange names
uname User name
prarr array of Product Obj with enabled products, as defined below
actid Account Id
email Email Id
brkid Broker Id
emsg This will be present only if Login fails.(Redirect to force change password if message is “Invalid Input : Password Expired” or “Invalid Input : Change Password”)


public bool SendGetUserDetails(OnResponse response)
Json Fields Possible value Description
exarr list of exchanges enabled
orarr ordertypes enabled for the user
prarr list of product object
brkname Region Category
brnchid Branch Category
actid Account Id
email Email Id


public bool SendLogout(OnResponse response)

Closes the session opened with the server.

Json Fields Possible value Description
stat Ok or Not_Ok Login Success Or failure status


public bool SendForgotPassword(OnResponse response,string endpoint,string user,string pan,string dob)
RequestDetails: As Arguments
Json Fields Possible value Description
uid* User Id
pan* pan of the user
dob* Date of birth
Json Fields Possible value Description
stat Ok or Not_Ok Success Or failure status
emsg This will be present only if request fails.


public bool Changepwd(OnResponse response,Changepwd changepwd)
Json Fields Possible value Description
uid* User Id
oldpwd* old password of the user
pwd* new password of the user
Json Fields Possible value Description
stat Ok or Not_Ok Success Or failure status
emsg This will be present only if request fails.


This method initializes the api with an existing session instead of creating a new session with SendLogin.

public bool SetSession(string endpoint, string uid, string pwd, string usertoken)
   endpoint : server endpoint
   uid      : user     
   pwd      : password
   usertoken: session id from loginresponse. 



public boolSendGetMWList(OnResponseresponse)
Request Details : No Params


public bool SendGetMarketWatch(OnResponse response,string wlname)


public bool SendAddMultiScripsToMW(OnResponse response,string watchlist,string scrips)
RequestDetails: As Arguments


public bool SendDeleteMultiMWScrips( OnResponse response,string watchlist,string scrips)
RequestDetails: As Arguments


public bool SendSearchScrip(OnResponse response,string exch,string searchtxt)

The call can be made to get the exchange provided token for a scrip or alternately can search for a partial string to get a list of matching scrips

Multiple criteria can be specified for the search with space

Trading Symbol:

  • SymbolName + ExpDate + 'F' for all data having InstrumentName starting with FUT
  • SymbolName + ExpDate + 'P' + StrikePrice for all data having InstrumentName starting with OPT and with OptionType PE
  • SymbolName + ExpDate + 'C' + StrikePrice for all data having InstrumentName starting with OPT and with OptionType C
  • For MCX, F to be ignored for FUT instruments
api.SendSearchScrip(Program.OnResponse, 'NSE', 'REL');

list of a ScripItem, which is as follows,

Json Fields Possible value Description
exch Exchange
tsym Trading Symbol
token Exchange specified Token
pp Price Precision
ti Tick Size
ls Lot Size


public bool SendGetSecurityInfo( OnResponse response,string exch,string token)
Json Fields Possible value Description
exch Exchange
token Exchange specified Token
Param Type Optional Description
stat string True ok or Not_ok
values string True properties of the scrip
emsg string False Error Message
Param Type Optional Description
exch string True Exchange NSE / NFO / BSE / CDS
tsym string True Trading Symbol is the readable Unique id of contract/scrip
cname string True Company Name
symnam string True Symbol Name
seg string True Segment
exd string True Expiry Date
instname string True Instrument Name
strprc string True Strike Price
optt string True Option Type
isin string True ISIN
ti string True Tick Size
ls string True Lot Size
pp string True Price Precision
mult string True Multiplier
gp_nd string True GN/GD * PN/PD
prcunt string True Price Units
prcqqty string True Price Quote Qty
trdunt string True Trade Units
delunt string True Delivery Units
frzqty string True Freeze Qty
gsmind string True GSM indicator
elmbmrg string True ELM Buy Margin
elmsmrg string True ELM Sell Margin
addbmrg string True Additional Long Margin
addsmrg string True Additional Short Margin
splbmrg string True Special Long Margin
splsmrg string True Special Short Margin
delmrg string True Delivery Margin
tenmrg string True Tender Margin
tenstrd string True Tender Start Date
tenendd string True Tender End Date
exestrd string True Exercise Start Date
exeendd string True Exercise End Date
elmmrg string True ELM Margin
varmrg string True VAR Margin
expmrg string True Exposure Margin
token string True Contract Token
prcftr_d string True ((GN / GD) * (PN/PD))

Order and Trades


public bool SendPlaceOrder( OnResponse response,PlaceOrder order )

Place an order as follows

    PlaceOrder order = new PlaceOrder();
    order.uid = uid;
    order.actid = actid;
    order.exch = "NSE";
    order.tsym = "M&M-EQ";
    order.qty = "10";
    order.dscqty = "0";
    order.prc = "100.5";
    order.prd = "I";
    order.trantype = "B";
    order.prctyp = "LMT";
    order.ret = "DAY";
    order.ordersource = "API";

    nApi.SendPlaceOrder(Handlers.OnResponseNOP, order);

Place a Cover Order as follows

    PlaceOrder order = new PlaceOrder();
    order.uid = uid;
    order.actid = actid;
    order.exch = "CDS";
    order.tsym = "USDINR27JAN21F";
    order.qty = "10";
    order.dscqty = "0";
    order.prc = "76.0025";
    order.blprc = "74.0025";
    order.prd = "H";
    order.trantype = "B";
    order.prctyp = "LMT";
    order.ret = "DAY";
    order.ordersource = "API";

    nApi.SendPlaceOrder(Handlers.OnResponseNOP, order);

Place a Bracket Order as follows

    PlaceOrder order = new PlaceOrder();
    order.uid = uid;
    order.actid = actid;
    order.exch = "NSE";
    order.tsym = "INFY-EQ";
    order.qty = "10";
    order.dscqty = "0";
    order.prc = "2800";
    order.blprc = "2780";
    order.bpprc = "2820";
    order.prd = "B";
    order.trantype = "B";
    order.prctyp = "LMT";
    order.ret = "DAY";
    order.ordersource = "API";

    nApi.SendPlaceOrder(Handlers.OnResponseNOP, order);

This is an acknowledgement of the order received by OMS. NorenOrdNo is the unique identifier for the same.

    public class PlaceOrderResponse : NorenResponseMsg
        public string request_time;
        public string norenordno;


bool SendModifyOrder( OnResponse response,ModifyOrder order )

To Modify an order, use the OrderNumber returned in place order, you can only modify an open order(Status: New).

    ModifyOrder order = new ModifyOrder();
    order.norenordno = ordno;
    order.exch = "NSE";
    order.tsym = "M&M-EQ";
    order.qty = "15";
    order.prc = "100.5";
    order.prd = "I";    
    order.prctyp = "LMT";
    order.ret = "DAY";
    nApi.SendModifyOrder(Handlers.OnResponseNOP, order);

an acknowlegment is returned

    public class ModifyOrderResponse : NorenResponseMsg
        public string request_time;
        public string norenordno;


public bool SendCancelOrder( OnResponse response,string norenordno)

To cancel an order, send the OrderNumber returned by PlaceOrder

    nApi.SendCancelOrder(Handlers.OnResponseNOP, order);

an acknowlegment is returned

    public class CancelOrderResponse : NorenResponseMsg
        public string request_time;
        public string norenordno;


public bool SendExitSNOOrder( OnResponse response,string norenordno,string product)
    public class ExitSNOOrder : NorenMessage
        public string norenordno;
        public string prd;
        public string uid;

an acknowledgement is returned


public bool SendGetOrderMargin( OnResponse response,OrderMargin ordermargin)
Param Type Optional Description
Param Type Optional Description


public bool SendGetOrderBook( OnResponse response,string product)
Param Type Optional Description
No Parameters


public bool SendGetMultiLegOrderBook( OnResponse response,string product)
Param Type Optional Description
No Parameters
ResponseDetails: MultiLegOrderBookResponse - list of MultiLegOrderBookItem

list of MultiLegOrderBookItem


public bool SendGetOrderHistory( OnResponse response,string norenordno)
Param Type Optional Description
ResponseDetails: list of SingleOrdHistItem


public bool SendGetTradeBook( OnResponse response,string account)
Param Type Optional Description
ResponseDetails: TradeBookResponse - list of TradeBookItem


public bool SendGetExchMsg( OnResponse response,ExchMsg exchmsg)
Param Type Optional Description
Param Type Optional Description


public bool SendGetPositionBook( OnResponse response,string account)
Param Type Optional Description
ResponseDetails: PositionBookResponse - list of PositionBookItem which is as follows,
Param Type Optional Description
stat string False Position book success or failure indication.
exch string False Exchange segment
tsym string False Trading symbol / contract.
token string False Contract Token
uid string False User Id
actid string False Account Id
prd string False Product name
netqty string False Net Position Quantity
netavgprc string False Net Position Average Price
daybuyqty string False Day Buy Quantity
daysellqty string False Day Sell Quantity
daybuyavgprc string False Day Buy Average Price
daysellavgprc string False Day Sell Average Price
daybuyamt string False Day Buy Amount
daysellamt string False Day Sell Amount
cfbuyqty string False Carry Forward Sell Quantity
cforgavgprc string False Original Average Price
cfsellqty string False Carry Forward Sell Quantity
cfbuyavgprc string False Carry Forward Buy Average Price
cfsellavgprc string False Carry Forward Sell Average Price
cfbuyamt string False Carry Forward Buy Amount
cfsellamt string False Carry Forward Sell Amount
lp string False LTP
rpnl string False Realized Profit and Loss
urmtom string False UnRealized Mark To Market (Can be recalculated in LTP update : = netqty * (lp from web socket - netavgprc) * prcftr
bep string False Breakeven Price
openbuyqty string False Open Buy Order Quantity
opensellqty string False Open Sell Order Quantity
openbuyamt string False Open Buy Order Amount
opensellamt string False Open Sell Order Amount
openbuyavgprc string False
opensellavgprc string False
mult string False
pp string False
prcftr string False
ti string False
ls string False
request_time string False


public bool SendProductConversion( OnResponse response,ProductConversion prdConv)
RequestDetails: ProductConversion
Param Type Optional Description
ResponseDetails: ProductConversionResponse
Param Type Optional Description

Holdings and Limits


public bool SendGetHoldings( OnResponse response,string account,string product)
Param Type Optional Description
Param Type Optional Description


public bool SendGetLimits(OnResponse response,string account,string product = "", string segment = ""; string exchange = "")
Param Type Optional Description
Param Type Optional Description



Param Type Optional Description
Param Type Optional Description


Param Type Optional Description
Param Type Optional Description


Param Type Optional Description
Param Type Optional Description


Param Type Optional Description
ResponseDetails: list of TPSeriesItem
Param Type Optional Description

GetTimePriceData /ChartData

gets the chart date for the symbol

RequestDetails: public bool SendGetTPSeries(OnResponse response, string exch, string token, string starttime = null, string endtime = null, string interval = null)
Param Type Optional Description
exchange string True Exchange NSE / NFO / BSE / CDS
token string True token number of the contract
starttime string True Start time (seconds since 1 jan 1970)
endtime string True End Time (seconds since 1 jan 1970)
interval integer True Candle size in minutes (1,3,5,10,15,30,60,120,240)
ResponseDetails: the response is as follows,
Param Type Optional Description
stat string True ok or Not_ok
values string True properties of the scrip
emsg string False Error Message
Param Type Optional Description
time string True DD/MM/CCYY hh:mm:ss
into string True Interval Open
inth string True Interval High
intl string True Interval Low
intc string True Interval Close
intvwap string True Interval vwap
intv string True Interval volume
v string True volume
inoi string True Interval oi change
oi string True oi

OrderUpdates and MarketDataUpdate

This Api allows you to receive updates receivethe marketdata and order updates in the application callbacks as an option, to do so connect as follows.

Api.OnFeedCallback += Application.OnFeedHandler; Api.OnOrderCallback += Application.OnOrderHandler;


public bool ConnectWatcher(string uri,OnFeed marketdata Handler,OnOrderFeed orderHandler)

starts the websocket, WebSocket feed has 2 types of ticks( t=touchline d=depth)and 2 stages (k=acknowledgement, f=further change in tick).


public bool SubscribeToken(string exch,string token)

t='tk' is sent once on subscription for each instrument. this will have all the fields with the most recent value thereon t='tf' is sent for fields that have changed.

For example
quote event: 03-12-2021 11:54:44{'t': 'tk', 'e': 'NSE', 'tk': '11630', 'ts': 'NTPC-EQ', 'pp': '2', 'ls': '1', 'ti': '0.05', 'lp': '118.55', 'h': '118.65', 'l': '118.10', 'ap': '118.39', 'v': '162220', 'bp1': '118.45', 'sp1': '118.50', 'bq1': '26', 'sq1': '6325'}
quote event: 03-12-2021 11:54:45{'t': 'tf', 'e': 'NSE', 'tk': '11630', 'lp': '118.45', 'ap': '118.40', 'v': '166637', 'sp1': '118.55', 'bq1': '3135', 'sq1': '30'}
quote event: 03-12-2021 11:54:46{'t': 'tf', 'e': 'NSE', 'tk': '11630', 'lp': '118.60'}

in the example above we see first message t='tk' with all the values, 2nd message has lasttradeprice avg price and few other fields with value changed.. note bp1 isnt sent as its still 118.45 in the next tick ( 3rd message) only last price is changed to 118.6

Fields Possible value Description
exch NSE,BSE,NFO... Exchange

Accept for t, e,and tk other fields may/may not be present.

Fields Possible value Description
t tf tf represents touchline feed
e NSE,BSE,NFO.. Exchangename
tk 22 ScripToken
lp LTP
pc Percentagechange
v volume
o Openprice
h Highprice
l Lowprice
c Closeprice
ap Averagetradeprice
oi Open interest
poi Previous day closing Open Interest
to1 Total open interest for underlying
bq1 Best Buy Quantity 1
bp1 Best Buy Price 1
sq1 Best Sell Quantity 1
sp1 Best Sell Price 1


public bool UnSubscribeToken(string exch,string token)
Fields Possible value Description
exch NSE,BSE,NFO... Exchange
token ScripToken


This is auto subscribed by the api

Order Updates : NorenOrderFeed
Fields Possible value Description
t om "om" represents touchlinefeed
norenordno NorenOrderNumber
uid UserId
actid AccountID
exch Exchange
qty Orderquantity
prc OrderPrice
prd Product
status Orderstatus(open,complete,rejectedetc)
reporttype Ordereventforwhichthismessageissentout.(fill,rejected,canceled)
trantype Ordertransactiontype,buyorsell
prctyp Orderpricetype(LMT,MKT,SL-LMT,SL-MKT)
ret Orderretentiontype(DAY,EOS,IOC,...)
fillshares Filledshares
avgprc Averagefillprice
rejreason Orderrejectionreason,ifrejected
exchordid ExchangeOrderID
cancelqty Canceledquantity,incaseofcanceledorder
remarks Useraddedtag,whileplacingorder
dscqty Disclosedquantity
trgprc TriggerpriceforSLorders