
Fire mouse events when the user intends it

Primary LanguageJavaScript


hoverintent is a reworking of Brian Cherne's jQuery plugin in plain javascript. It has no dependencies.

It's goal is to determine a users intention when hovering over an element by triggering a mouseover event when the cursor position has slowed down enough.

Check out the demo to see how it works in action.

Basic usage

<script src='hoverintent.min.js'></script>
  var el = document.getElementById('element-id');
  function() {
    // Handler in
  }, function() {
    // Handler out

Custom options

You can adjust mouse sensitivity or the length of time a mouse over/out event is fired:

<script src='hoverintent.min.js'></script>
  var opts = {
    timeout: 500,
    interval: 50

  var el = document.getElementById('element-id');
  function() {
    // Handler in
  }, function() {
    // Handler out
Setting Default Value Description
sensitivity: 7
The value (in pixels) the mouse cursor should not travel beyond while hoverintent waits to trigger the mouseover event.
interval: 100
The length of time hoverintent waits to re-read mouse coordinates.
timeout: 0
The length of time the mouseout event is fired.

Ender support

Add hoverintent as an internal chain method to your Ender compilation.

$ ender add hoverintent

Use it:

$('.element').hoverintent(function() {
    // Handler in
}, function() {
    // Handler out


to manage dependencies and build. Development requires you have node.js installed.

  1. Install node.js. 'Install' will download a package for your OS.
  2. Run npm install
  3. Run make


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