The "virtual_human_stream" project is a real-time digital human system supporting audio-video dialogue. It integrates models like ernerf, musetalk, and wav2lip for voice cloning, video stitching, and streaming via RTMP/WebRTC. It’s optimized for high performance and easy customization, with support for ChatGPT dialogue integration.
- 1ssqq1lxrhello
- ABCWareNew York, NY
- AIKUNIJava Land
- aisen567Tokyo, Japan
- animedaisukiMelbourne
- backeyzhang
- CodecraftArtist
- cookeks
- dongfeifeiyou
- Erichen911Tianjin University
- GithubJaimeLee
- gong-futureNeusoft
- hjchen-thuShanghai
- JessicaNie-jo
- KevinZh0ATokyo
- lomlocaBaidu Inc.
- MagNumberBallmer Group
- Marcia00791265 Norris Burgs Apt. 327 East Karen / DE 66144
- mazouriBaidu
- octo3rdGeneral Motors Company
- px39nGermany
- rikochyou
- tifoit
- tufo830China
- tutunaOpen AI Lab
- twx235472
- vchain007
- WangJiangJiaoZiBeijing
- weizhang37Shanghai, China
- WenyuSuHilda
- xiaoGuo775
- xiyueanhu
- yanbubaoBeijing, China.
- YiChenLove
- yzc2020HangZhou
- zhouhao628