
User-oriented Web UI browser tests in Python

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Selene - User-oriented Web UI browser tests in Python (Selenide port)

Pre-release Version tests codecov Free MIT License

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Main features:

  • User-oriented API for Selenium Webdriver (code like speak common English)
  • Ajax support (Smart implicit waiting and retry mechanism)
  • PageObjects support (all elements are lazy-evaluated objects)
  • Automatic driver management (no need to install and setup driver for quick local execution)

Selene was inspired by Selenide from Java world.

Tests with Selene can be built either in a simple straightforward "selenide' style or with PageObjects composed from Widgets i.e. reusable element components.


  • Latest recommended version to use is 2.0.0b14+
    • it's a completely new version of selene, with improved API and speed
    • supports Python 3.7+
    • bundled with Selenium 4.1+
    • it's incompatible with 1.x
    • current master branch is pointed to 2.x
    • yet in alpha/beta stage, refining API, improving "migratability" and testing
    • it looks pretty stable, most users already upgraded to 2.0 alpha/beta
  • Latest version marked as stable is: 1.0.2
    • it is main version used by most selene users during last 2 years
    • it was proven to be stable for production use
    • its sources and corresponding README version can be found at 1.x branch.
    • supports python 2.7, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7

THIS README DESCRIBES THE USAGE OF THE PRE-RELEASE version of Selene. For older docs look at 1.x branch.

Migration guide

From 1.0.2 to 2.0.0b<LATEST>:

  • upgrade to Python 3.7+
  • update selene to 2.0.0b<LATEST>
    • find&replace the collection.first() method from .first() to .first
    • ensure all conditions like text('foo') are used via be.* or have.* syntax
      • example:
        • find&replace all
          • (text('foo')) to (have.text('foo'))
          • (visible) to (be.visible)
        • smarter find&replace (with some manual refactoring)
          • .should(x, timeout=y) to .with_(timeout=y).should(x)
          • .should_not(be.*) to .should(be.not_.*) or .should(be.*.not_)
          • .should_not(have.*) to .should(have.no.*) or .should(have.*.not_)
          • .should_each(condition) to .should(condition.each)
        • and add corresponding imports: from selene import be, have
    • fix another broken imports if available
    • run tests, read deprecation warnings, and refactor to new style recommended in warning messages


Python 3.7+

Given pyenv installed, installing needed version of Python is pretty simple:

$ pyenv install 3.7.3
$ pyenv global 3.7.3
$ python -V
Python 3.7.3


via poetry + pyenv (recommended)

GIVEN poetry and pyenv installed ...


poetry new my-tests-with-selene
cd my-tests-with-selene
pyenv local 3.7.3

WHEN latest pre-release recommended version:

poetry add selene --allow-prereleases

WHEN latest stable version:

poetry add selene


poetry install

via pip

Latest recommended pre-release alpha version:

pip install selene --pre

Latest stable version:

pip install selene

from sources

GIVEN webdriver and webdriver_manager are already installed


git clone https://github.com/yashaka/selene.git
python setup.py install

or using pip:

pip install git+https://github.com/yashaka/selene.git


Quick Start


from selene.support.shared import browser
from selene import by, be, have

browser.all('.srg .g').should(have.size(10))\
    .first.should(have.text('Selenium automates browsers'))

OR with custom setup

from selene.support.shared import browser
from selene import by, be, have

browser.config.browser_name = 'firefox'
browser.config.base_url = 'https://google.com'
browser.config.timeout = 2
# browser.config.* = ...

browser.all('.srg .g').should(have.size(10))\
    .first.should(have.text('Selenium automates browsers'))

OR more Selenide from java style:

from selene.support.shared import config, browser
from selene import by, be, have
from selene.support.shared.jquery_style import s, ss

config.browser_name = 'firefox'
config.base_url = 'https://google.com'
config.timeout = 2
# config.* = ...

ss('.srg .g').should(have.size(10))\
    .first.should(have.text('Selenium automates browsers'))

Core Api


from selenium.webdriver import Chrome

AND chromedriver executable available in $PATH


from selene import Browser, Config

browser = Browser(Config(

AND (uncomment if needed):

# import atexit
# atexit.register(browser.quit)




# browser.element('//*[@name="q"]')).type('selenium').press_enter()
# OR...

# browser.element('[name=q]')).type('selenium').press_enter()
# OR...

from selene import by

# browser.element(by.name('q')).type('selenium').press_enter()
# OR...for total readability

query = browser.element(by.name('q'))  # actual search doesn't start here, the element is "lazy"          
     # here the actual webelement is found
                      # and here it's located again, i.e. the element is "dynamic"

AND (in case we need to filter collection of items by some condition like visibility):

from selene import be

results = browser.all('.srg .g').by(be.visible)


from selene import have

# results.should(have.size(10))
# results.first.should(have.text('Selenium automates browsers'))
# OR...

    .first.should(have.text('Selenium automates browsers'))

FINALLY (if not registered "atexit" before):


Automatic Driver and Browser Management

Instead of:

from selene import Browser, Config

browser = Browser(Config(

You can simply use the browser and config instance predefined for you in selene.support.shared module:

from selene.support.shared import browser, config

# ... do the same with browser.*

So you don't need to create you driver instance manually. It will be created for you automatically.

Yet, if you need some special case, like working with remote driver, etc., you can still use shared browser object, while providing driver to it through:

config.driver = my_remote_driver_instance
# or
browser.config.driver = my_remote_driver_instance

Advanced API

Sometimes you might need some extra actions on elements, e.g. for workaround something through js:

from selene import command


Probably you think that will need something like:

from selene import query

product_text = browser.element('#to-assert-something-non-standard').get(query.text)
price = my_int_from(product_text)
assert price > 100

But usually it's either better to implement your custom condition:


Where the have_in_text_the_int_number_more_than is your defined custom condition. Such condition-based alternative will be less fragile, because python's assert does not have "implicit waiting", like selene's should ;)

Furthermore, the good test is when you totally control your test data, and instead:

product = browser.element('#to-remember-for-future')

product_text_before = product.get(query.text)
price_before = my_int_from(product_text_before)

# ... do something

product_text_after = product.get(query.text)
price_after = my_int_from(product_text_after)

assert price_after > price_before

Normally, better would be to refactor to something like:

product = browser.element('#to-remember-for-future')


# ... do something


You might think you need something like:

from selene import query

if browser.element('#i-might-say-yes-or-no').get(query.text) == 'yes':
    # do something...


from selene import query

if browser.all('.option').get(query.size) >= 2:
    # do something...

Maybe one day, you really find a use case:) But for above cases, probably easier would be:

if browser.element('#i-might-say-yes-or-no').wait_until(have.text('yes')):
    # do something

# ...

if browser.all('.i-will-appear').wait_until(have.size_greater_than_or_equal(2)):
    # do something

Or, by using non-waiting versions, if "you are in a rush:)":

if browser.element('#i-might-say-yes-or-no').matching(have.text('yes')):
    # do something

# ...

if browser.all('.i-will-appear').matching(have.size_greater_than_or_equal(2)):
    # do something



More Examples




Release Workflow

see Release workflow
