
Anti - Covid-19

Primary LanguageJavaScript

The COVID-19 outbreak has caused major upheaval on a global scale. If the number of patients keep on rising during this dangerous pandemic, the workload on the hospitals and health care centers would be immense. Effective management of medical supplies and ensuring that they are provided to the hospitals in need is currently a challenge.

Keeping this in mind, we devised CoroMed, an end-to-end platform that brings together the requirements from the Hospitals and Health Care Centers and the availability of supplies from the Manufacturer's side.

The distinguishing feature of our application is prioritization of hospitals according to their severity. This will help control the pandemic better. It will provide real-time information about availability of products to the Government. This data will play an important role in decisions regarding production, import and export.

We urge you to check out our proposed system at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gkHtAoQbEk8

We hope that our small contribution would help the Government take decisions in a very easy and hassle-free manner