
A small package (locally installed) for dealing with twitter compliance firehose data objects.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This repo contains a small package called compliance_pkg for handling Twitter's compliance firehose data objects.


From you terminal run

git clone git@github.com:mr-devs/compliance_data_model.git

Then run

pip install -e ./compliance_data_model/package

This should install the package locally.

You can check this was successful by then running

pip show compliance_pkg

If successful, it will show something like

Name: compliance-pkg
Version: 0.1
Summary: Package for working with Twitter's compliance firehose data
Home-page: None
Author: Matthew DeVerna
Author-email: None
License: None
Location: /path1/path2/path3/compliance_data_model/package


First, import all that the package has to offer (there isn't too much).

from compliance_pkg import *

There is one convenience function, one base data class, and a class object for each of the specific types of action messages that Twitter sends through the compliance firehose.

Here is a list of everything:

  • return_possible_actions : the convenience function. Pass one of ['user', 'tweet', 'drop', 'scrub_geo'] to return a set of the types of action messages parsed by the related class object
  • ComplianceBase : the base data class. It's main purpose is to distinguish different types of compliance objects from one another, so it is a good idea to pass everything through this before any of the below objects.
  • TweetAction : handles action messages related to tweets. E.g., delete tweet, tweet edit, etc.
  • UserAction : handles action messages related to user. E.g., delete user, protect user, etc.
  • DropAction : handles action messages related to dropped tweets. They are: drop tweet and undrop tweet.
  • ScrubGeoAction : handles action messages related to scrubbing geographical info from tweets. Only option is scrub geo.

With everything imported, we can now read a file like

import gzip
import json

file_name = "XXXXXXX.json.gz"

# Read the first compliance message
with gzip.open(file_name, "rb") as f:
    for line in f:
        # This will be a dictionary
        comp_msg = json.loads(line.decode())
        break # We only want the first tweet for this example

Then you can initialize a ComplianceBase class like.

comp_obj = ComplianceBase(comp_msg)

Note: If you pass in a comp_msg that does not match any of the data object forms outlined here, this will raise an error.

This will automatically determine which type of message you've just read. As mentioned above, there are four options: ['user', 'tweet', 'drop', 'scrub_geo'].

To access the original dictionary, you can use comp_obj.comp_object.

You can then use comp_obj to determine which message you're holding and create that message's specific data object by doing something like:

if self.is_drop_action:
    action_obj = DropAction(comp_obj)
elif self.is_geo_action:
    action_obj = ScrubGeoAction(comp_obj)
elif self.is_tweet_action:
    action_obj = TweetAction(comp_obj)
    action_obj = UserAction(comp_obj)

Note: These four classes can also read the raw compliance message dictionary. I.e., DropAction(comp_obj) == DropAction(comp_obj.comp_object)

With the specific data object parsed, you can then access all fields within the dictionary with the methods.

Methods available in all action message classes (i.e., inherited from ComplianceBase)

  • get_timestamp(as_datetime=[True or False]): Return time of compliance message. Will include milliseconds.
  • get_value(key_list=list()): Return a dictionary value from the compliance data object specified by key_list.
  • to_json(): Return a nice JSON string to print dictionaries cleanly

Methods in TweetAction

  • get_tweet_id(): Return the tweet ID (str) of the object.
  • get_edit_tweet_ids(): Return a tuple of tweet ID info from an "edit_tweet" action object.
  • get_user_id(): Return the user ID (str).
  • get_withheld_countries(): Return list of countries in which a tweet is withheld.

Methods in UserAction

  • get_user_id(): Return the user ID (str) of the action object.
  • get_withheld_countries():Return list of countries in which a tweet is withheld.

Methods in DropAction

  • get_tweet_id(): Return the user ID (str) of the action object.
  • get_user_id(): Return the user ID (str) of the action object.

Methods in ScrubGeoAction

  • get_user_id(): Return the user ID (str) of the action object.
  • get_up_to_status_id(): Return the up_to_status_id (str) of the action object.