
Create PostgreSQL comments within Sequel migrations and schema modification methods

Primary LanguageRubyGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Databases are the ugly step-child of documentation. Explaining what each column and table is actually for suffers from the "documentation vicious circle" -- nobody writes documentation, because nobody reads it, because it never exists, therefore there's no point even looking for it. Unlike source code, which allows comments to exist alongside the live-edited code, there's typically no way to keep documentation at the "point of use" of an SQL database. Sure, you can write docs in your migrations, or a wiki somewhere, but when you're banging away at your SQL command line, who wants to go rummaging around in a wiki?

As with all things, PostgreSQL to the rescue! The non-standard COMMENT command allows you to attach an arbitrary chunk of text to pretty much any object in the database. Want to document a collation? COMMENT ON COLLATION <object_name> IS 'something something dark side' and you're done!

If you're a lover of Sequel, though, the last thing you want to be doing is hand-writing SQL. Blech. That's old school. You want to have your comments Right There in the migrations. That's what this gem is all about.


First, you need to enable the plugin:

Sequel::Database.extension :pg_comment

Then, you can attach a comment to anything you can create with Sequel schema modifications by adding a :comment option, like so:

create_table :comments, :comment => "Foo to you too" do
  primary_key :id, :comment => "Auto-incrementing primary key"
  String :data, :null => false, :comment => "Markdown"
  foreign_key :user_id, :users, :comment => "The user who owns the comment"

  index :user_id, :comment => "Find those user comments faster!"

For some object types, though, there's no syntactic sugar in Sequel, so you've got to create them by hand. Never fear, though! You can comment on any object using Ruby code, like so:

comment_on :collation, :my_collation, "Collate ALL THE THINGS!"

This is useful also for tables, where you might not want to insert a lengthy comment in the top of your create_table block.

The table.column syntax that PgSQL requires for COMMENT ON COLUMN can be simulated in the usual Sequel fashion, of using two underscores in the symbol to separate the table name from the column name, like so:

comment_on :column, :foo__bar_id, %{
  This is my column.  There are many like it, but this one is mine.
#  => COMMENT ON COLUMN "foo"."bar_id" IS 'This is my column. (etc)'

NOTE: The object you wish to comment on must already exist before you call comment_on. The following example WILL NOT WORK:

comment_on :table, :foo, "This is an awesomely foo table"
create_table :foo, do
  # ...

You have to put the comment_on after the create_table, like this:

create_table :foo, do
  # ...
comment_on :table, :foo, "This is an awesomely foo table"

Comment string tidy-up

On the whole, sequel-pg-comment makes no judgment on what you put in your comments. Plain text, markdown, XML, or morse code -- it's all the same.

There is one manipulation that is done to multi-line comments, though, to make it a bit easier to write lengthy treatises on the whichness of the why, and that is to strip out leading whitespace. The rules are very simple:

  1. Empty lines at the beginning and end of the comment are removed; and

  2. Whatever whitespace is present before the first non-empty line of the comment, will be stripped from the beginning of every line.

That means you can use a heredoc for your multi-line comments, and they'll still look neat and tidy without having to play gsub tricks:

create_table :foo do
  String :data, :comment => <<-EOF
    This is a very lengthy comment.  It goes for many lines
    and has a great deal to say on any number of subjects.  I
    could have used lorem ipsum here, but I prefer to do things
    the old-fashioned way.  If you've read all of this example,
    you probably stay to read the whole of the credits at the
    cinema.  Good for you!  I do too.  Wave next time, you
    anti-social loner.

One caveat: it's common to use the %( ... ) quoting style for lengthy strings. That's fine, but make sure to put the first line of docs on its own line, and not directly after the %(. For example, this will not work so well:

# This WILL NOT trim leading whitespace from each line
comment_on :table, :foo, %(This is a long comment.
  However, due to the way that pg-comment trims whitespace,
  these lines will have leading indents, because the first line

Instead, you'll want to do this:

# This WILL trim leading whitespace from each line
comment_on :table, :foo, %(
  This, too, is a long comment.  Because the first non-empty
  line had leading spaces, all of these other lines will have
  their leaving spaces stripped too.

As always, inconsistent use of tabs and spaces will end in disaster. So don't do that. Remember: tabs are for indenting, spaces are for formatting.

Quoting and escaping

In normal circumstances, if you follow some fairly simple rules and don't need to put comments on a few gnarly types, you should never have to do any SQL-specific escaping or quoting of the values you pass to the methods in this extension. We work very hard to properly escape as much as we can.

The rules for quoting are:

  1. If an object name is passed as a symbol, it will be escaped. For certain types (COLUMN, CONSTRAINT, RULE, and TRIGGER), we split on the first double underscore (ie __) and the part before the double underscore is the table name, and the rest is the object name. Each part is quoted separately.

  2. If an object name is passed as a string, NO QUOTING IS PERFORMED. It is assumed, in that instance, that you've already done all the quoting you need yourself.

  3. Comment strings should always be passed as strings.

  4. Object types can be specified as either strings or symbols, with space- or understore-separated words, in any mix of case, and they will be correctly handled.

(Of course, the real rule for object naming is: stick to alphanumerics and underscores, fer cryin' out loud!)

The relative complexity of these rules is due to the fact that there are a few PostgreSQL object types which stubbornly resist attempts to automatically escape their names in a safe manner. The most visible offender is FUNCTION, which is both relatively commonly used, and has a particularly complicated object name specification. For those types, you have to do some quoting yourself, and pass the object name as a string.

I do apologise for the complexity and lack of absolute safety in all this (although if someone can SQL inject your migrations, you're having a really bad day), but I had absolutely no luck in producing an interface that wasn't a complete nightmare to use, an implementation that wasn't a complex mess, and that stuck fairly closely to the common idioms present in Sequel proper. If you happen to have ideas on how to make this better, I'm all ears.

Getting your comments back

It's great that this gem can help you to document your database, but that's not much use if nobody can read them again. Within Sequel itself, you can retrieve comments quite easily:

DB.comment_for(:foo)  # => "Something something dark side"

For columns, you can either use the double underscore notation:

DB.comment_for(:foo__column)  # => "Awwwwww yeah"

Or you can do the same thing from the dataset itself:

DB[:foo].comment_for(:column)  # => "Awwwwww yeah"

There's currently no support for retrieving a database comment from a Sequel model; pull requests implementing such a feature would be warmly welcomed.

The real value in database comments, though, comes when you use an entity-relationship diagram tool like SchemaSpy, which draws all sorts of pretty pictures and lays out all of the schema information.

If you quickly need to get some docs when you're in psql, you can get it out of the "additional detail" informational commands, like \dt+ <table name>.


Bug reports should be sent to the Github issue tracker, or e-mailed. Patches can be sent as a Github pull request, or e-mailed.