
Mr. Hashemi Programming Language https://mr-hashemi.github.io/mr-hashemi/

Primary LanguageJavaUniversal Permissive License v1.0UPL-1.0

Mr. Hashemi Language

FOSSA Status Maintainability Rating Coverage

Other languages are just too difficult. Ask Mr. Hashemi to do the job right for you!

Hashemi's Familiy

Mr. Hashemi is a National programming language, a fork from SimpleLanguage. We hope Mr. Hashemi get enough attention to make bilions of tomans out of this project.


bebin azinja() {
  i = 0;
  ta (i<1) bood {
    bechap("adad bede");
    n = adadBekhoon();

bebin derakht(n){
  i = 0;
  matn = "";

  ta (i <n) bood {
    matn = matn + "*";
    i = i + 1;

  j = 0;
  ta (j<4) bood {
    j = j+1;

Basic syntax:


  • Declare a function by keyword bebin before function name.
  • Program starts from azinja function.
  • to call a function simply call it.
    in example above the functions azinja and derakht are defined and function derakht is called inside azinja.


The usual while (condition) {code} loop is defined as ta (shart) bood {code} .


The usual if (condition) {code} conditions definition is defined as age (shart) bood {code} .

Variable declaration:

  • String :
    • matn = "ghoori ze ghalam, ghalam ze ghoori";
  • Number :
    • adad = 313;
  • Object :
    • chiz = jadid();
    • chiz.sefat1 = "hala ye chizi";
    • chiz.esm = "mammad";
    • chiz.sen = 33;

logical operators:

Basically like java you can find the list here .


FOSSA Status