
an easy way to serialize classes to json using decorators

Primary LanguagePascal


a simple way to serialize / deserialize your classes by using decorators (custom attributes)

To request features or report a bug, open a github issue with details/steps to reproduce


Below is a sample pulled from the console tester application which shows a possible use for ezjson

  { TTestDecorated }
    a simple object decorated with a custom name to be used when serializing and
    deserializing, as well as some simple typed properties to include in
  TTestDecorated = class(TObject)
    FTest : String;
    FTestInt : Integer;
    property Test : String read FTest write FTest;

    property TestInt : Integer read FTestInt write FTestInt;
procedure TestSimple;  
  LTest : TTestDecorated;
  LError : String;
  //setting a value on our test
  LTest := TTestDecorated.Create;
  LTest.Test := 'a test';
  //calling serialize
  if not (EZSerialize<TTestDecorated>(LTest, LJSON, LError)) then
    raise Exception.Create(LError) //failed to serialize
    WriteLn(LJSON); //success

and here's the output json

 { "myTestObject" : { "test" : "a value", "testInteger" : 0 } }


  1. make sure your decorated properties are in the published section
  2. object / interface properties can be decorated as long as they also have property decorators
  3. JsonObject is not required (if not supplied will determine name from class) but JsonProperty is
    • works as "opt-in" so non-decorated properties will not be serialized without

How To Use

  1. download and install lazarus if you don't already have it (http://www.lazarus-ide.org) or by using the super simple fpcupdeluxe (https://github.com/LongDirtyAnimAlf/fpcupdeluxe/releases)
  2. git clone this repo
  3. open ezjson_test.lpr and attempt to compile/run (F9 Key)
    • this project shows some basic usage of the library
    • also, by going to Toolbar -> Project\Project Options\Paths you can copy the other units text to include in your own project
  4. add .\src path to your project other units
  5. also to note, this project requires that you use the latest trunk fpc / lazarus (another reason to use fpcupdeluxe :) )

Tip Jar

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