
Secure online banking portal with tan generator and batch processor

Primary LanguagePHP


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##Online banking portal implemented in PHP and MySQL The main feutures of the portal are as follows. #####From the client perspective: Registration, Transfer funds between account, View history of transactions, View balance, Recieving Secure transaction codes by email and password protected PDF Downloading SCS application (See Smart Card Simulator below), Generating activation code for SCS, Generating token for SCS. #####From the administrator and employees perspective Activate new registred users, View clients transaction history, Confirm transactions over 10K, Initialise balance (just for testing). ###Security Measures #####Attack #1: Session hijacking, session fixation, cookies attributes, exposed session vars, CSRF, logout functionality #####Countermeasure:​ Prevent session fixation, renew the session after user logged in, destroy session after logout, set session cookies as httponly, logout after detecting inactivity(no request in few minutes). Beside that, extensive static reviews revealed no exposed session vars. As the session variable is readonly the CSRF attack could not hijack the session too. #####Attack #2: Exposure of sensitive data while handling error #####Countermeasure:​ We have reviewed our error messages manually and ensured no disclosure of critical data is occurring in our application. In PHP side we are silently collecting exceptions occurred while decryption so non­interference property has been satisfied. Samwise, in all PHP pages we are avoiding sensitive information disclosure. #####Attack #3: Bypass role based access control #####Countermeasure: In our online banking platform three roles are defined as following client, employee and admin. The actions that each role can perform is clearly explained in our use case documents. Bypassing role management system can cause disasters in critical applications such as online banking. We are using P​HP­RBAC access control library for our role based access control system. and evaluated user permissions on each page with respect to the actions can be triggered on that page. #####Attack #4: Insecure Communication Channel #####Countermeasure:​ We have configured the server to run with SSL. Therefore from now on, all the communication between client and server is encrypted. Any network sniffing will not yield any sensitive data any more. #####Attack #5 Testing Directory traversal/file include #####Countermeasure:​ We have added an access configuration file on the server in order to prevent unauthorized users #####Attack #6 SQL injection #####Countermeasure:​ We have used prepared statements both on UI and C parser. We also filter the input with the following functions: $user_id = stripslashes ( $user_id ); $user_id = mysql_real_escape_string ( $user_id ); #####Attack #7 Clickjacking #####Countermeasure:​ As described in OWASP recommendations, we have included header('X­Frame­Options: DENY'); directive in every header served by the server. #####Attack #8 XSS #####Countermeasure:​ Against XSS attacks we are using HTMLPurifier. We have rechecked the code for the warnings noted by team 15 but as expected, the malicious code is transformed into simple text ­ no attack is possible. #####Attack #9 Passwords discovery #####Countermeasure: Strong password policy is imposed to the user when registering for the first time. There is a brute force checking function for login. This is simply done by storing login attempts and their time in the database. When a user tries to login for more than 5 times within a one hour timespan, then user with the username the potential “attacker” used is deactivated and only an administrator can re­activate him/her. Secure password reset process (Added Google reCaptcha and implemented more secure token for the user authorization) For more details read the fixes chapter. ##Smart Card Simulator written in Java We have implemented a very secure transaction code generator which uses AES 128bit encryption (crypto is used right!). To achieve this security of high level, we first explicitly ask the user to generate an a​ctivation key​on the profile setup phase. This key authenticates the user with the SCS. All the further encryption is done using Activation key. Nonetheless, at any time user can revoke the key to ensure the key is not compromised. The activation key is being stored on the client computer in a secure repository­ all encrypted using client p​ersonal pin​plus a d​evice unique identifier.​ In addition to the activation key, a s​ecure token​is required for each tan generation to be provided to the SCS. This token contains the server current date and time in UTC format. This token is not only used for checking the lifespan of the tan on the server, but also to authenticate the server on the client side to prevent MITM attack. Our SCS implementation follows main principles of object­oriented programing, very high cohesion and very low coupling, along with full unit tests. Indeed, all dependencies are to Interfaces rather than actual classes. We have divided the solution into meaningful self­describing packages as crypto, tan, ui, host, test. ###Security Measures #####Attack #1: Reply Attack #####Countermeasure:​ A UTC time has been placed in the server token(which is required to generate tans) so that the lifespan of the messages can be verified on the server side upon transaction request. In addition to that, all used tans are being stored in the database so a used tan can not be reused. #####Attack #2: Man in the middle attack #####Countermeasure:​ Mutual authentication on both client and server. A secure random 128bit key is generated on the server which must be entered to the SCS as activation key. SCS generated tans are encrypted using this key such that server is able to authenticate the client (SCS). On the SCS side, it is required to have a token to be able to generate tans. The end­user can readily generate token which is valid for 10 minutes in their profile page. Apparently, any attempt to impersonate either of client or server entities without compromised shared key will fail. Therefore, we are highly confident that our system is secure to MITM attack while the secret key between client and server is not compromised. #####Attack #3: Impersonation #####Countermeasure:​ Each client is required to get the activation key from the server which is a secure random 128 bits key. SCS uses AES 128bit encryption for generating client tans. Each client obtains a secure random activation key which is being used in their client side tan generator app. To deal with the cases when this key has been compromised, the activation key can be revoked by the client on demand. #####Attack #4: Padding Oracle Attack #####Countermeasure:​ To avoid ciphertext tampering we have added hmac of the encrypted tan to the ciphertext. So, before attempting to decrypt, the ciphertext server ensures the integrity of the tan. #####Attack #5: Identical ciphertext due to constant iv #####Countermeasure:​ Secure tans generated using our SCS are using random initialization vectors(iv). The iv is included in the ciphertext so that server can retrieve it. 10 #####Attack #6: Timing attack while processing SCS generated tans on the server #####Countermeasure:​ when server is evaluating tans, to avoid timing attacks a timely secure compareStrings method has been employed to block any side channel to gain information about our cryptosystem.

##Batch Transaction Application written in C++ We have implemented a command line application for processing batch transaction files. This application is being called by the php server as soon as clients uploading batch transaction files

##OWASP Testing Status Following table demonstrates the tests that we have performed on our secure online banking.

Ref. No. Category Test Name Status
4.3 Configuration and Deploy Management Testing
4.3.2 OTG-CONFIG-002 Test Application Platform Configuration Secure
4.3.3 OTG-CONFIG-003 Test File Extensions Handling for Sensitive Information Secure
4.3.4 OTG-CONFIG-004 Backup and Unreferenced Files for Sensitive Information Secure
4.3.5 OTG-CONFIG-005 Enumerate Infrastructure and Application Admin Interfaces Secure
4.3.6 OTG-CONFIG-006 Test HTTP Methods Secure
4.3.7 OTG-CONFIG-007 Test HTTP Strict Transport Security Secure
4.3.8 OTG-CONFIG-008 Test RIA cross domain policy NA
4.4 Identity Management Testing
4.4.1 OTG-IDENT-001 Test Role Definitions Secure
4.4.2 OTG-IDENT-002 Test User Registration Process Fixed
4.4.3 OTG-IDENT-003 Test Account Provisioning Process Secure
4.4.4 OTG-IDENT-004 Testing for Account Enumeration and Guessable User Account Secure
4.4.5 OTG-IDENT-005 Testing for Weak or unenforced username policy Secure
4.5 Authentication Testing
4.5.1 OTG-AUTHN-001 Testing for Credentials Transported over an Encrypted Channel Secure
4.5.2 OTG-AUTHN-002 Testing for default credentials Secure
4.5.3 OTG-AUTHN-003 Testing for Weak lock out mechanism Secure
4.5.4 OTG-AUTHN-004 Testing for bypassing authentication schema Fixed
4.5.5 OTG-AUTHN-005 Test remember password functionality Secure
4.5.6 OTG-AUTHN-006 Testing for Browser cache weakness Secure
4.5.7 OTG-AUTHN-007 Testing for Weak password policy Secure
4.5.8 OTG-AUTHN-008 Testing for Weak security question/answer NA
4.5.9 OTG-AUTHN-009 Testing for weak password change or reset functionalities Fixed
4.5.10 OTG-AUTHN-010 Testing for Weaker authentication in alternative channel NA
4.6 Authorization Testing
4.6.1 OTG-AUTHZ-001 Testing Directory traversal/file include Fixed
4.6.2 OTG-AUTHZ-002 Testing for bypassing authorization schema Secure
4.6.3 OTG-AUTHZ-003 Testing for Privilege Escalation Secure
4.6.4 OTG-AUTHZ-004 Testing for Insecure Direct Object References NA
4.7 Session Management Testing
4.7.1 OTG-SESS-001 Testing for Bypassing Session Management Schema Secure
4.7.2 OTG-SESS-002 Testing for Cookies attributes Secure
4.7.3 OTG-SESS-003 Testing for Session Fixation Secure
4.7.4 OTG-SESS-004 Testing for Exposed Session Variables Secure
4.7.5 OTG-SESS-005 Testing for Cross Site Request Forgery Fixed
4.7.6 OTG-SESS-006 Testing for logout functionality Secure
4.7.7 OTG-SESS-007 Test Session Timeout Secure
4.7.8 OTG-SESS-008 Testing for Session puzzling Secure
4.8 Data Validation Testing
4.8.1 OTG-INPVAL-001 Testing for Reflected Cross Site Scripting Secure
4.8.2 OTG-INPVAL-002 Testing for Stored Cross Site Scripting Secure
4.8.3 OTG-INPVAL-003 Testing for HTTP Verb Tampering Secure
4.8.4 OTG-INPVAL-004 Testing for HTTP Parameter pollution Secure
4.8.5 OTG-INPVAL-005 Testing for SQL Injection Fixed MySQL Testing
4.8.6 OTG-INPVAL-006 Testing for LDAP Injection NA
4.8.7 OTG-INPVAL-007 Testing for ORM Injection NA
4.8.8 OTG-INPVAL-008 Testing for XML Injection NA
4.8.9 OTG-INPVAL-009 Testing for SSI Injection NA
4.8.10 OTG-INPVAL-010 Testing for XPath Injection NA
4.8.11 OTG-INPVAL-011 IMAP/SMTP Injection NA
4.8.12 OTG-INPVAL-012 Testing for Code Injection Secure Testing for Local File Inclusion Secure Testing for Remote File Inclusion
4.8.13 OTG-INPVAL-013 Testing for Command Injection
4.8.14 OTG-INPVAL-014 Testing for Buffer overflow Secure Testing for Heap overflow Secure Testing for Stack overflow Secure Testing for Format string Secure
4.8.15 OTG-INPVAL-015 Testing for incubated vulnerabilities Secure
4.8.16 OTG-INPVAL-016 Testing for HTTP Splitting/Smuggling Not Tested
4.9 Error Handling
4.9.1 OTG-ERR-001 Analysis of Error Codes Fixed
4.9.2 OTG-ERR-002 Analysis of Stack Traces Secure
4.1 Cryptography
4.10.1 OTG-CRYPST-001 Testing for Weak SSL/TSL Ciphers, Insufficient Transport Layer Protection Secure
4.10.2 OTG-CRYPST-002 Testing for Padding Oracle Fixed
4.10.3 OTG-CRYPST-003 Testing for Sensitive information sent via unencrypted channels Secure
Testing for not using a random iv Fixed
4.11 Business Logic Testing
4.11.1 OTG-BUSLOGIC-001 Test Business Logic Data Validation Secure
4.11.2 OTG-BUSLOGIC-002 Test Ability to Forge Requests Secure
4.11.3 OTG-BUSLOGIC-003 Test Integrity Checks Secure
4.11.4 OTG-BUSLOGIC-004 Test for Process Timing Secure
4.11.5 OTG-BUSLOGIC-005 Test Number of Times a Function Can be Used Limits Secure
4.11.6 OTG-BUSLOGIC-006 Testing for the Circumvention of Work Flows Secure
4.11.7 OTG-BUSLOGIC-007 Test Defenses Against Application Mis-use Secure
4.11.8 OTG-BUSLOGIC-008 Test Upload of Unexpected File Types Secure
4.11.9 OTG-BUSLOGIC-009 Test Upload of Malicious Files Secure
4.12 Client Side Testing
4.12.1 OTG-CLIENT-001 Testing for DOM based Cross Site Scripting Secure
4.12.2 OTG-CLIENT-002 Testing for JavaScript Execution Secure
4.12.3 OTG-CLIENT-003 Testing for HTML Injection Secure
4.12.4 OTG-CLIENT-004 Testing for Client Side URL Redirect Secure
4.12.5 OTG-CLIENT-005 Testing for CSS Injection Secure
4.12.6 OTG-CLIENT-006 Testing for Client Side Resource Manipulation Secure
4.12.7 OTG-CLIENT-007 Test Cross Origin Resource Sharing Secure
4.12.8 OTG-CLIENT-008 Testing for Cross Site Flashing NA
4.12.9 OTG-CLIENT-009 Testing for Clickjacking Fixed
4.12.10 OTG-CLIENT-010 Testing WebSockets NA
4.12.11 OTG-CLIENT-011 Test Web Messaging NA
4.12.12 OTG-CLIENT-012 Test Local Storage Secure