
Full stack project. Uploading .csv files with drag & drop

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Full stack project. Uploading .csv files with drag & drop

Video sample:

web view


Front end and back end aplications are almost independant, stored in different folders, so some commands should be executed separately.

If to run in containers:

Build and up all services from docker-compose.yaml:

docker-compose up --build -d

Run tests:

  • back-end tests:
   cd server
   npm run test:in_container
   # or
   docker-compose exec server sh -c 'cd /frontend && npm run test'
  • front-end tests:
   cd frontend
   npm run test:in_container
   # or
   docker-compose exec server npm run test

If to run localy:

  # up mongodb if needed:
  docker-compose up --build -d mongo

  # at frontend dir:
  cd frontend 
  npm i 
  npm run test
  npm run build
  # at server dir:
  cd server
  npm i 
  npm run test
  npm run dev


  • Insert users by .csv file:
    POST /api/users/upload {FormData}
    Code: 200
    Response: {"data":{ fileName, insertedCount},"status":"OK"}
  • Search users:
    GET /api/users/search?query=
    Code: 200
    Response: {"data":{users:[{...}]},"status":"OK"}


General info:

  • Node.js version: v13.6.0. Using ESM
  • All db data from each MongoDB instance will be mapped to ./mongo/data/ folder

Used ports:

  • 27017 - MongoDB server
  • 3000 - HTTP web server

MongoDB connection URL:
