Understanding and optimization of Google App Engine's automatic scaling

This repository includes three projects/folders.


The app folder contains a very simple express Node.js server with a deploy script to deploy it to Google App Engine.

Run locally

### Installing dependencies for local development
npm install

### Run server locally
npm run start

Deploy to Google App Engine

### Deploys the app 'my-app' to Google App Engine


The loadtest folder contains two very simple load test scenarios. The load tests can be started via the NPM commands defined in the package.json.

Before running any scripts of this folder make sure that you change the url parameter with the value YOUR_SERVER_URL_HERE accordingly to the URL of your own Google App Engine.

The NPM start commands are starting a k6 docker container the corresponding JavaScript file is simply being injected. As such NPM dependencies won't have to be extra installed to make it work.

### Start 'longRunning.js' script
npm run start:longRunning

### Start 'highCpu.js' script
npm run start:highCpu

### Starting without NPM command
docker run -i loadimpact/k6 run - <highCpu.js


This folder contains the screenshots that were taken of the GCP monitoring after running the load tests.