
Burp Match & Replace regex generator and send2proxy

Primary LanguageShell


1:- Use @fasthm00 https://github.com/Leoid/MatchandReplace
2:- Import to burpsuite match and replace.
3:- Run gospider. gospider -s url -a -w --sitemap -r -c 100 -d 8 -p
4:- The Blind xss payload will added automatically by burp and gospider.

└─# ./adrekleson.sh -h

[I] MatchandReplace already exists...
 U S A G E
Usage: ./adrekleson.sh [option]
    -s    : Specify Colloaborator Host here, This will create ssrfregex.json
    -x    : Specify XSS Payload here, This will create xssregex.json