
Examples for the HerbstCampus 2001 Fork/Join Workshop

Primary LanguageJava

This project contains all examples solutions for the Fork/Join Workshop. Have fun!

how to use:

- prerequisites:
  - installed ant, if to be build via command line
  - installed jdk7. download from: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk7-downloads-1637583.html
  - sources:
	- git clone git@github.com:fkoehler/TW-Fork-Join-Workshop.git
- for command line build:
  - cd into project directory
  - adjust build.bat or build.sh and add path to installed jdk7
  - execute build.sh or build.bat
- for IDE runners:
  - set up the new JDK inside your IDE
  - open the project and set the JDK
  - run tests via the normal test runners