Disease Tracker



  • email: string
  • password: string
  • age: integer
  • sex: string (male, female)
  • weight: float
  • height: float

Person is a model which inherited from django.contrib.auth.User hence we can define authentication for each instance of this class. also each person has some feature like weight and height which can help us with calculating BMI.


  • person: integer
  • country: string
  • smoker: boolean
  • hip: float
  • waist: float
  • wrist: float
  • neck: float
  • current_heart_rate: float
  • daily_activity_level: string (low, medium, high)
  • blood_pressure_sys: float
  • blood_pressure_dia: float

InTime company has some feature from each person that I mentioned above, we provide so many recommendations and risks when we have a good mapping between these features and recomms/risks.


  • person: integer
  • urea: float
  • cr: integer
  • hba1c: float
  • chol: float
  • tg: float
  • hdl: float
  • ldl: float
  • vldl: float
  • result: string (Y, N, P)

Blood Test model defines a blood test of a person based on the results of that and some parameters which are measured in that test therefore you can see urea, cr (creatinine), hba1c, and so many fields. each instance belong to a person.


  • blood_type: string (Y, N, P)
  • recommendation: string

Some recommendations which classified by the result of blood test. so you can filter blood_type=Y if you get Y in your blood test to see a bulk of recommendations.



  • endpoint: /


  • endpoint: account/signup/
  • method: POST
  • params: email, password*, age*, sex*, weight*, height*
  • permissions: AllowAny

You can sign up as a person in our system by providing above parameters after that you are given a token which is used to have some tests like blood test and see the result of your test (recomms/risks)

Submit a Blood Test

  • endpoint: bio/bloodtest/
  • method: POST
  • params: urea*, cr*, hba1c*, chol*, tg*, hdl*, ldl*, vldl*
  • permissions: IsAuthenticated

To submit a blood test you have to sign up first, after that, put your token into your header of requests like this: Authorization: Token <token> hence system identifies you as a valid user.

Get result of your Blood Tests (Recommendations/Risks)

  • endpoint: bio/bloodtest/
  • method: GET
  • params:
  • permissions: IsAuthenticated

By calling this endpoint, you can have a list of blood test result.

Run Project

Run Server

python manage.py runserver

Run beat

celery -A bmi_disease_tracker beat -l info

Run worker

celery -A bmi_disease_tracker worker -l info