
A simple CLI vault to store your sensitive data, written in python.

Primary LanguagePython


A python based vault that runs interactively, allowing you to decrypt/encrypt a 'locker'.

The locker entries are as follows:

    "mr sk gmail personal": {
        "email": "some.email@gmail.com",
        "password": "somepassw0rd",
        "extra": {}

The key is unique, and stores a dictionary of data including email, password and an extra dictionary, that can contain any arbitrary number of entries (think 2FA back-up codes, Q/A challenges, etc).


A typical session to retrieve a password would look like this:

$ python3 pylocker.py -f pass.txt
Enter passphrase: ********
Current locker file '/Users/bsgro/Research/pylocker/pass.txt'
[a]dd entry, [s]how-all, [q]uit or search: gmail person
Matched on 'mr sk gmail personal'
     email: some.email@gmail.com
     password: somepassw0rd
     extra: {}
Current locker file '/Users/bsgro/Research/pylocker/pass.txt'
[a]dd entry, [s]how-all, [q]uit or search: q


Create a virtual environment (if you want).

pip3 install -r requirements.txt
python3 pylocker.py -f path/to/locker.txt