
Swift version of Stanford's cs193p Matchismo: MVVM, unit tests, UIDynamics and UICollectionView

Primary LanguageSwift


A Swift version of a Matchismo game from Stanford's cs193p course "Developing iOS 7 Apps for iPhone and iPad" (2013/2014).

Requires Xcode 6.1 to build.


Use applications functionality from lectures/assignments as a set of requirements, but don't follow class design from lectures. Differences in approach to code design and implementation:

  • design without insight into how application will change during next lecture (e.g. avoid creating inheritance hierarchies prematurely)
  • use MVVM-like view-model adapter between game logic and UI
  • keep view controllers light
  • develop game's logic and view-model in a TDD manner
  • take advantage of Swift language features, including:
    • enums
    • structs
    • generics
  • use UICollectionView for cards' layout
    • to switch between layouts - pinch-in/out
    • custom layouts features:
      • scales collection view items to fit all on screen
      • UIDynamics driven layout for gathering cards in a stack and moving them around


Each set of requirements is tagged (milestones: lectures, assignments)


  • PlayingCardView.swift - code from lectures converted to Swift
  • playing card images - taken from cs193p's SuperCard project