
Internship assignment one: html and css

Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT

Assignment 1: HTML & CSS

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You can find the documentation of this project here

HTML and CSS are fundamental languages for front-end development. HTML provides the structure and semantic markup for web content, while CSS controls the presentation and styling. They are essential for creating visually appealing, responsive, and accessible web pages, enabling developers to craft engaging user experiences and bring designs to life on the web. Without HTML and CSS, front-end development would be incomplete, as they form the backbone of every website and lay the foundation for other technologies and frameworks to build upon.

In this assignment, you will transform the given high fidelity wireframe into a responsive website using only HTML and CSS. Feel free to unleash your creativity by choosing colors and images that complement the design. Remember to maintain the font styles as per the provided design.

Submission Instructions

To submit your assignment, please complete the following tasks:

  1. Upload your assignment code to GitHub, ensuring it is well-organized and documented.
  2. Host your project on GitHub Pages, allowing it to be accessible online. This will enable us to view and interact with your design.
  3. Once your project is hosted, provide two links:
    • The link to your GitHub repository, where your assignment code is located.
    • The link to your GitHub Pages site, where your hosted project can be viewed.
  4. Please share these links on Discord - further instructions will be shared on Discord.

Please ensure that your code is properly commented and organized, making it easy for others to understand and review your work. Good luck with your assignment!